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  1. M

    Look at India’s underwater Punch

    I think these projects are more for propaganda purposes than actual projects. Give me proof these are real projects. Anyone can make up saying they have 'secret' projects. India don't have the money nor the technical expertise to build these things.
  2. M

    Government clears posting of 40,000 soldiers along China border

    :lol: whether you think we are a threat or not is utterly irrelevant. We can invade your country at will and wait until we get concessions out of your government and leave whenever we want. We couldn't give two hoots what Indians think of us. We are bossing you around, that's all that matters.
  3. M

    How accidental was the PLA's Raki Nulla adventure?

    Accidental or not, why does it matter. India is powerless to do anything about it anyway.
  4. M

    China Seen Surpassing the U.S. as Superpower in Polling

    Yes we can't vote but our country is getting stronger and moving in the right direction. Indians can vote to elect just another corrupt crook that won't do their job. Voting means jack all in this world, unless you personally and your country is moving in the right direction. You can take your...
  5. M

    China foreign direct investment surges to two-year high

    Indians have nothing but jealousy for our success. I can't blame them.
  6. M

    China Seen Surpassing the U.S. as Superpower in Polling

    People around the world see the U.S. as a waning superpower with China poised to supplant it, according to international polling conducted for the Pew Research Center. The polling shows people in many countries already view China as the leading economic power. Among the 39 countries surveyed...
  7. M

    Surprise - Many Chinese provinces already high-income/1st Wor

    Vietnam will never have indigenous jet fighters, ever. This is why Vietnam will always fall under the Chinese power umbrella.
  8. M

    Newsflash: Yet another mig-21 crash, pilot killed

    Indian airforce has the worst record for crashes. It's appalling, the real numbers are way worse if they were accurately reporting all the crashes.
  9. M

    Look at India’s underwater Punch

    Has anyone even seen these projects? These are not real projects.
  10. M

    Government hikes FDI in defence to 49%, 100% for telecom

    Indian economy is not going to recover. The current account deficit is widening and the Rupee collapsing, India has been burning through its forex reserves to prop up the collapsing Rupee. Lets see how it goes, I'm pretty sure the Indian growth story is finished for atleast another 10 years...
  11. M

    Look at India’s underwater Punch

    I'm not impressed. These are not real projects.
  12. M

    Indian Economy-News & Updates

    India has been using its forex reserves to prop up the Rupee. The collapse of the Rupee will happen within 12-18 months.
  13. M

    Bitter lessons of Thailand to buy Chinese warships

    Our 1980's warships are more than good enough to sink the Indian navy.
  14. M

    The Submarine Race in the Malaccan Strait

    We control the Malacca straits. If India try any funny business, then the Indian military will experience a worse humiliation than 1962, 1967, 1987 and 2013. Indian military is not a match for the PLA, not even close.
  15. M

    Best way to approach China's GDP figures: Ignore them!

    India also has one thing that China does not.....a collapsing currency.
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