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  1. Mercenary_ali

    Pakistan army's 'extra-judicial killing video, army says its a fake

    What I had said was just this; 1. KILL NO ONE UNTIL THE PERSON HAS BEEN PROVEN GUILTY 2. Set up a COMMISSION OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT to determine whether the suspects are Talibs . 3. ANY ONE PROVED TO BE A TALIB IS GUILTY. 4. Charge them for WAR CRIMES 4. Then, depending on the level of their...
  2. Mercenary_ali

    Pakistan army's 'extra-judicial killing video, army says its a fake

    Why are you being so Naive, What I am I saying is all in SHOULD!!!! This SHOULD AND THAT SHOULD BE DONE! It does not matter what the hell an institution says. And An Inquiry speaks for all, For Dead, For Living. If it was so easy, then killing a person would mean end to all............There...
  3. Mercenary_ali

    Pakistan army's 'extra-judicial killing video, army says its a fake

    Thats Why I said that an inquiry to investigate the matter should be set up. There is or at least can be a Law for Everything. People can be executed for War Crimes, And I believe that All Talibs who VOLUNTARILY became a Part of this Devilish Organization have in one way or another committed...
  4. Mercenary_ali

    Pakistan army's 'extra-judicial killing video, army says its a fake

    Actual Footage. For me, THIS IS quite real. THE ONLY THING WORTH CONCERNING IS THAT WHETHER THEY ARE TALIBS OR NOT> IF THEY ARE TALIBS< WELL AND GOOD, If not, These men who are responsible should rot in Jail. THEREFORE SETTING UP an Inquiry is necessary. And Pakistan should legalise such...
  5. Mercenary_ali

    Pakistan army's 'extra-judicial killing video, army says its a fake

    THE Thing which Disturbs me is not that Army might have killed 6 men, but rather that the ARMY might have killed 6 INNOCENT MEN. Look, I have been to swat in July, just before the floods. I attended the KALAM AMAN FESTIVAL, 17th July. During my 3 day stay there I Met with MANY LOCALS and as...
  6. Mercenary_ali

    Pakistan 'army air strike kills dozens of civilians'

    It is indeed a sad incident, The People who suffered will surely take a lot of time to recover from this tragedy and furthermore, to again build confidence in the Army.
  7. Mercenary_ali

    How to join Pakistan Army?

    PLs Tell me that can a person Apply For Long Course after LASIK eye surgery.
  8. Mercenary_ali

    Counter-ideology for Wahhabis

    It is quoted that Zia Ul Haq was the founder of extremism. Maybe true in some way but this is also true that it was a necessity of time. Time plays strange games, Zia Ul Haq was the man of the job and so he did play his part. WAHABISM was the outcome, an outcome because of the increasing...
  9. Mercenary_ali

    M4 Carbine, United States

    No Omar Bhai, G3 is indeed a rifle Which is Made to kill rather than wound an enemy. But, because of its heavier round and bigger caliber, it does not have a very good effective range. 5.56 round because of its Much more sophisticated Aerodynamics and lighter weight goes at higher speed and...
  10. Mercenary_ali

    Gun collections - Please no politics/gun control rants

    TaimiKhan Bhai, Your guns seems to be very nice, It seemed a bit more noisier........ What is the Price of this gun Sir?
  11. Mercenary_ali

    Hand Guns Prices

    I was curious that how much do guns usually cost in Pakistan. I have heard that the Traditional or the Most common Pistol, TT-33 is inexpensive can can be bought in the range of 10,000 to 25,000 RS. Well, what I really wanted to know that how much does Pistols like, beretta 92, Glock 17...
  12. Mercenary_ali

    Altaf Bhai!

    ALTAF IS A TRAITOR AND WILL ALWAYS BE!!! Enugh Said..............
  13. Mercenary_ali

    Growth of Islam in Europe

    A Religion progresses not just on quality but quantity is an essential part too. Quality+Quantity=Greater Islamic Ummah :pakistan::pakistan:
  14. Mercenary_ali

    Portraits of Pakistan’s founder removed from President House

    Screw these People!!!!!!!! They Have No Respect for Quaid-e-Azam!! Shame On Them!!!!
  15. Mercenary_ali

    Most Beautiful F 16 Ever Seen-- Paint Scheme

    Very Beautiful, indeed.
  16. Mercenary_ali

    What's in your Gun Locker?

    I do not know that how much blase attitude is shown by people in Suburban areas but now a days guns have become quite common in Cities like Karachi too. Well, I live in a place where there are a lot of Marriage Gardens, Almost in every gathering I can see people shooting without taking safety...
  17. Mercenary_ali

    What's in your Gun Locker?

    Can any body here tell me that do Army personnel require to Have a license to have a gun for their own use?
  18. Mercenary_ali


    Mubarak to All Pakistanis, Thanks to Allah!
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