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  1. L

    I think I am dealing with some haunting

    And your name is myth buster k what ever
  2. L

    I think I am dealing with some haunting

    Pussy :D
  3. L

    Sex education in schools should be banned, Union health minister Harsh Vardhan says

    At what age are kids given sex education?
  4. L

    US GDP shrinks 2.9% in first quarter

    And the shit talk. Why cant you be friendly for a second?
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    US GDP shrinks 2.9% in first quarter

    Dude it will take lot of time for India to be strong enough on her own. May be 2-3 decades but for now even your country depends a lot on US like the rest of the world. If US economy tanks who are you going to export your manufactured goods?
  6. L

    US GDP shrinks 2.9% in first quarter

    Why cant US get its shit right? So many countries in the world depend on it to do good speciaaly my home country India. So much of IT services go to US. We are already not doing so well. US Plz. You are an educated country sure you can find some one with brain as your president. Stop...
  7. L

    Pakistani boy gets 'new life' in India

    Well Pakistan government paid around 23-24 Lakh Indian rupees thats like 40,000 US $. Way to go out of its way to help the people. Nawaz Sharif is a good man. But I would say instead of helping people like that why not invest big one time and get a kidney transplant hospital in Pakistan itself...
  8. L

    Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

    WHat did turkey do in XinJiang? Sorry not really familiar with China and turkey's history
  9. L

    Women in Turkish Armed Forces

    you part of armed forces as well? ^^
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    Afghanistan GDP growth indicates a 6.4% spike

    It doesnt mean anything unless Afghanistan gets rid of taliban for good. International community should Afghanistan till its made sure. A stable Afghanistan would mean more opportunities of economic growth for Pakistan India and China specially
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    Japan bans child pornography possession

    What is considered as child pornography in Japan? What is the legal age at which you can make ****. 18?
  12. L

    DRDO targets increased indigenisation, export of defence products

    you guys don't even make good bikes/cars I really do not think that you can make fighter planes? It takes a big manufacturing base & research to be able to do something like that which third world countries are unable to do so.
  13. L

    Indian Teen With "Tail" Worshipped As God

    why dont you try your luck?
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    'We Want Hindi': In Tamil Nadu, New Demand Speaks Language of Change

    dont under estimate your self :D
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    Aside: Boy born with 7-inch tail worshipped in Punjab

    k as soon as i read boy born with 7 inch i was like what. thanksfully it is just a tail
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    'We Want Hindi': In Tamil Nadu, New Demand Speaks Language of Change

    you lost your chance of being with a pretty north Indian girl by not knowing Hindi :flame:
  17. L

    'We Want Hindi': In Tamil Nadu, New Demand Speaks Language of Change

    literate and even illiterates. go to places like CP/Pahar ganj in New Delhi and those beggars have learnt English to beg from foreign tourists. The 3 year old daughter of my neighbor here in Gurgaon speaks English. She is raised like her mother tongue is English same is the case with almost all...
  18. L

    Post a picture of yourself

    What is the dress that you wearing? I would want to buy 1 some day. I kinda like it :D
  19. L

    Do You Also Flirt with your Sister In Law?

    dont have one
  20. L

    Indian Muslims feel insecure under Modi

    How would they feel secure? A personal body guard for every one?
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