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  1. 5th Star

    Iraqi Air Defence Commander visits PAF Academy Risalpur, PAC Kamra

    With around 58 billion US dollars reserves in iraqi treasury n selling oil worth 6 billion US dollars every month... Iraqis are all set to pay for their force build up and thats why they are out on the shopping spree. Iraqis will raise one of the finest AFs in the mid east in matter of years if...
  2. 5th Star

    Iran having no friends?

    You missed Pakistan.. :D :pakistan:
  3. 5th Star

    Iran having no friends?

    I was not really interested to comment on this thread but your comment forced me to make something clear to You.... Off course, thats because You are also a Pakistani... :pakistan: So here we go.... If being a friend = to be a Puppet.... then You & I must accept that We (Pakistanis) are also...
  4. 5th Star

    PDF members you want to meet in person

    Hahahahahahahaha :lol: Well.... looks like that sits well with me :D
  5. 5th Star

    PDF members you want to meet in person

    Well....Really Sorry to tell you brother but i ain't no secular but a far right conservative extremist & a rigid nationalist.... [O__O]
  6. 5th Star

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    Generous words... :tup: Zardari is not our PM... but president... an outgoing president. And if you think Pakistan is allied with gulf arab states against Iran then you are mistaken.... To the greatest extent... :D Im not eager to explain it to you that all (in this thread) but only if you...
  7. 5th Star

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    Sorry Khalifa... that was simply a mistake... True.... Pakistan is your friend and a savior too.... ;) Should i prove it to you right here buddy?? Our forces have helped you, kuwaitis, bahrainis and Syrians at a number of events.... why not admitting the facts? I have seen videos...
  8. 5th Star

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    Rofl :rofl: I really laugh louder when i see saudis or qataris or kuwaitis talking about might, force or Armies... You saudis need our Pakistani Forces to save your king's and his family's royal a**es and you are talking about here an Incompetent "Army"... :rofl...
  9. 5th Star

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    Bro, I was only trying to do the following.. ;) :D Well, looks like they want to move slowly so that they dont annoy their puppets in the region... On the contrary, I believe, Russia is much more eager to provide Iraq whatever they want in less time....
  10. 5th Star

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    65 % Shias. (Arab+Kurds combined) 35 % Sunnis (Arab+Kurds combined) Just heard about a 2 billion US $ deal... Iraq is moving all Good....:tup:
  11. 5th Star

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    Good for Iraq :D But Iraq must not be worried even if the US hesitates selling its items to your country.... Since you have money and there are a number of sellers out there with their Quality items.... That will be superb. With S-300 and PAC 2/3... Every body must be sure that Iraq's air...
  12. 5th Star

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    Off course... Items other than the tanks can be good be good point of start brother.... ;) Yes, Thats quite understandable. But i think some gulf countries will exert their full force to stop serious machines going to Iraq from the US or Europe. So Russia could be the one country on which Iraq...
  13. 5th Star

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    Hahahahaha :lol: Well i might sound like one bro... but actually i got just excited noticing the great magnitude of possible military cooperation between the two Muslim Countries... I think Pakistan has got many things to offer to Iraq.... Tanks, APCs, Artillery, Ammo, Small arms, ACs, Naval...
  14. 5th Star

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    Good policy indeed... Sounds like Russian T-90 tanks are going to find their place in Iraqi Army :D BTW, Iraqi Army could also look in to Al-Khalid MBT... I guess Al-Khalid II can Impress you guys once we have that rolling out from factories... :) Anything about JF-17 or J-10s? As i...
  15. 5th Star

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    Really Impressive thread.... Iraqi Army has done really great job at equipping its infantry and mechanized units with state of the art weaponry and other military equipment... Special forces and Infantry are Really Impressive.... Kind of Superb. Im sure soon the armored units, Army aviation...
  16. 5th Star

    Saudi Arabia's missile base 'with launch pads aimed at Israel and Iran'

    They had tried to get some but all we could offer them was technical know how of building Nuclear facilities... not the Weapons. Same goes for Iran & Libya (Long long ago)... they got tech: know how, not the weapons... Actually, Colonel Qaddafi contributed more (financially) to our...
  17. 5th Star

    Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

    Rofl :omghaha: Why dragging Shia Sunni matter in every every every thing mate? :astagh: Mr. Morsi has been over thrown by his fellow Egyptian Sunnis and not Shias. :coffee:
  18. 5th Star

    Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

    Egypt goes in to a bloody clash or Not. Everything depends now on the next move of Ikhwan Ul Muslimeen leadership. If they call for a massive protest in next 24 or 36 hours. Be prepared to have a really bad news. BTW, It was coming for the MB from the day 01. Pro Mubarak forces could not see...
  19. 5th Star

    Next Chief Of Army Staff - 2013 ?

    If he was not competant, how did he manage to get Swat back to normalcy? How did he manage to get the F***** TT out of most of the FATA? Im sorry brother but you are trying to hide the Sun behind your bowl.
  20. 5th Star

    Next Chief Of Army Staff - 2013 ?

    Premier has already stated that the next COAS will be appointed on the basis of Seniority. Lt: General Haroon likely to be COAS. Besides, he, & General Tariq having their earlier assignments in Tribal insurgency hit areas have maximum chances to get the top post. But If its General Zaheer Ul...
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