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  1. J

    The Problem of Urdu

    i heard even south indian people feel insecure because of slowly creeping hindi/urdu culture via bollywood. 3 states have fallen, only tamil nadu left to be won
  2. J

    Israel shots down another Hezbollah drone

    Allah (swt) bless Israel.
  3. J


    No doubt china is enemy no. 1 for India. They are looking to gobble AP and J&K
  4. J

    Border battalions in 'alert and ready to move' mode

    i think they will stay put permanently like what happened in 1986. need to blast them with rpg
  5. J

    Army sources release picture of Chinese incursion in Daulat Beg Oldi sector

    what hell are indian army doing, why not blasting those tents, what use is sukhoi rafale, idiot cowards
  6. J

    Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

    This is reaction to China actively oppressing muslim brothers in Xingjiang
  7. J

    Miffed Russia may stop arms sale to India

    cancel all deals with them, go to hell cant deliver things on time
  8. J

    Army wants ‘Show of Force’ , Government not keen !!

    Shame on Indian army, very coward approach till now
  9. J

    Can Pakistan reach out to India’s estranged ally, Russia?

    Russia will dupe pakistan just like they did to us. Be careful
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