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  1. Karasonmuno

    Only 4% of Russians Say Relations with Ukraine Friendly - Poll

    In all truth, what is happening now in Ukraine is...surprising, to say the least. I always had the impression that, unlike the Poles, most Ukrainians loved Russia.
  2. Karasonmuno

    Only 4% of Russians Say Relations with Ukraine Friendly - Poll

    So you're against both nations, basically?
  3. Karasonmuno

    KSA may face ‘strong revolution’

    Not at open war, perhaps, but proxy conflict? I think so, yes, to some degree. I think the Saudi-Iranian rivalry is a very unhealthy one for the region, and should be ended as soon as possible, but that is simply unrealistic.
  4. Karasonmuno

    US warns Russia 'this is not Rocky IV' as Putin puts fighter jets on combat alert

    The Cold War is over, both sides need to stop acting like children and move on with their lives.
  5. Karasonmuno

    Only 4% of Russians Say Relations with Ukraine Friendly - Poll

    MOSCOW, February 27 (RIA Novosti) – Only four percent of Russians describe relations between Moscow and Kiev as “friendly,” an independent pollster said Wednesday. The Levada Center reported that 40 percent of respondents to its poll described relations with Ukraine in positive terms: four...
  6. Karasonmuno

    Obesity among young children in America falls significantly

    I read somewhere months ago that Syria and Mexico were on the Top 10 Obese Countries list, I found that surprising.
  7. Karasonmuno

    America Didn’t Decline. It Went Global.

    You know, there are some who argue that globalization and excess capitalism ultimately led to America's decline.
  8. Karasonmuno

    European court fines Turkey in the case of Kurdish boy slain by police

    I've always sympathized with the Kurdish cause, best of luck for Kurdistan.
  9. Karasonmuno

    72 per cent Americans view India favourably: Poll

    I don't understand you, what is that supposed to mean? And the Buddha was born in Nepal. And, if you are from Taiwan, do you support the KMT?
  10. Karasonmuno

    Russia warns Saudi against giving Syria rebels missiles

    China wants nothing to do with the Syria situation, and rightly so.
  11. Karasonmuno

    Hezbollah threatens response to Israeli strike

    If I may ask, why was my other comment on this thread (the one about Israel) removed? I was not aware I had violated any of the forum rules, I was merely making an observation.
  12. Karasonmuno

    Russia warns Saudi against giving Syria rebels missiles

    It should not, and I am quite sure it does not, but to be fair, your own country seems to be do so quite frequently.
  13. Karasonmuno

    Hezbollah threatens response to Israeli strike

    You have only yourselves to blame for the creation of Hamas and Hezbollah.
  14. Karasonmuno

    U.S. senator: Reconsider Iraq Apache sale because of Iran arms deal report

    The U.S. should just leave the Middle East alone, and for good. That would essentially satisfy all parties.
  15. Karasonmuno

    Russia warns Saudi against giving Syria rebels missiles

    I agree that Pakistan and Iran should retain strong ties but, honestly, I thought your people practically worshiped Arabs. Is that true or not?
  16. Karasonmuno

    5 days ultimatum: Leave Syria or we'll enter Iraq.

    Support Assad or the opposition, neither side is likely to view your country any differently. India is by comparison with the other powers almost a non-player in the Middle East.
  17. Karasonmuno

    Russia warns Saudi against giving Syria rebels missiles

    Well, the way I see it, Iran is unconditionally supporting a strategic ally of its, just like the U.S. does (unfortunately) with Israel. The Islamic Republic's relationship with the Syrian government has been close long before Bashar came to power, it seems only natural that they continue it...
  18. Karasonmuno

    Russia warns Saudi against giving Syria rebels missiles

    Also, I would be somewhat surprised if Pakistan is indeed supplying arms to Syria, through indirect channels or not, as China has always favored Assad over the opposition.
  19. Karasonmuno

    Tourist visas to be introduced in KSA

    I always wanted to visit the Middle East, for some time now I've been contemplating possibly going to Iran, but Arabia may also be an interesting destination.
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