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  1. DauD0

    Microsoft to set up ‘innovation centre’ in Dhaka

    Elections are coming...DUUUHHHH!!!
  2. DauD0

    ‘Super plan’ for railways

    They'll get their jobs transferred, their title removed, or worse their lives threatened, just a few to be named. Good folks don't reach far in BD they must have mamu khalu in the joint to pave their path. Its so old that its a tradition nowadays :woot: OK I took those references out of movies I...
  3. DauD0

    ‘Super plan’ for railways

    touché touché :rofl:
  4. DauD0

    India invites Bangladeshis for research

    It seems only Bengali will be held in BD. Will the applicants be offered entry into the other conferences at the expense of the university ofcourse?
  5. DauD0

    India invites Bangladeshis for research

    Then I think this is a good initiative atleast they'll get something out of it. I hoped it would be a scientific research grant, which the South Asians lack way too much, but well...
  6. DauD0

    India invites Bangladeshis for research

    How are the job offers in BD for students in those fields(Humanities, social sciences, arts etc etc)?
  7. DauD0

    Bangladesh to be ‘central business hub’ in Southeast Asia: Farnandez

  8. DauD0

    Army in Padma bridge building: PM

    The blueprints have already arrived http://s2.reutersmedia.net/resources/r/?m=02&d=20070808&t=2&i=1266994&w=460&fh=&fw=&ll=&pl=&r=1266994
  9. DauD0

    Buddhists from Bangladesh resettle in Myanmar, Rohingya Muslims cry foul

    1. I was actually answering to some other Indian member, then you showed up.:blink: 2. We'll take both the refugees and their land if Mayanmar gov is unable to solve their own problems.
  10. DauD0

    Buddhists from Bangladesh resettle in Myanmar, Rohingya Muslims cry foul

    You lot seem quite interested in BD-mayanmar conflict so I guessed you'ld appreciate this honour. If the Buddhist feel safe in Mayanmar then they are welcome to leave the same goes for rohingyas. Howvere the rohingyas are pushed to BD, its not BDs "duty" to take refugees for no reason. Sure...
  11. DauD0

    Buddhists from Bangladesh resettle in Myanmar, Rohingya Muslims cry foul

    The so called Ummah was uprooted by our beloved western masters during the colonial times. Now only the name Islam there in constittions but they don't abide by it. Muslims are trying to become mordernised as they are programmed to believe on TV, news, megazines. Children are forced to learn...
  12. DauD0

    Buddhists from Bangladesh resettle in Myanmar, Rohingya Muslims cry foul

    Bengali in what respect? If they are bengali than arakan is part of Bangladesh, you should probably ask them to give us our part back which we didn't take in 1947, not the other way round! :sleep:
  13. DauD0

    Buddhists from Bangladesh resettle in Myanmar, Rohingya Muslims cry foul

    Where were you when the burmans were persecuting their minority Muslims in the name of Bangladeshis. You indians profess securlarism but pratice I think not :argh:
  14. DauD0

    Bangladesh allows transit for foodgrains for northeast India

    People's Socialist Republic of Albania - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia my valid reason is check this; Religion in Albania - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. We are witnessing the same here in our country, so sarcastially I changed mine:angel:
  15. DauD0

    Bangladesh allows transit for foodgrains for northeast India

    Probably they were murderers but bro neither you nor me was there to witness it, you see history anywhere is just twists of words to suit one's purpose in that era. So probably what you say is true or maybe false but that doesn't give me the right to be onesided and balme the others. We as...
  16. DauD0

    Bangladesh allows transit for foodgrains for northeast India

    I edited it once it hit me :partay:
  17. DauD0

    Bangladesh allows transit for foodgrains for northeast India

    I'm neutral on both zia and mujib, I became angry due to the fact that matrixx or what the heck he changed his name into started name calling on the basis that Zia was a traitor without no proof to support his theory. As for my above post I was just generalising where as to why our country is...
  18. DauD0

    Bangladesh allows transit for foodgrains for northeast India

    I'm astounded that people like him exists, but I've come with the idea that almost 70% of our country is illiterate hence you can't ask them to give logical reasons the rest is educated but they'll either leave for west or stay back home and destroy its economy through corruption and this 2nd...
  19. DauD0

    Bangladesh Air Force

    I like your idea but I think this planes are without paintjobs on them, you can't see any logos on its body. Besides for best camouflage blue is better suited provided the jets themselves are efficient, the colour green are best for land vehicles.
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