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  1. Pboy

    Republic of Naswaristan

  2. Pboy

    Republic of Naswaristan

    Looks like this is dead now @Alpha1 banned again lmao Who is @Akheilos ?
  3. Pboy

    I am finally Elite

    @Talon Yeah, im fine, just lost interest in forums.
  4. Pboy

    I am finally Elite

    Saw this thread on twitter on my timeline(this forums twitter account) LOL, so logged in after a long time only to congratulate you ;) Congrats!
  5. Pboy

    Republic of Naswaristan

    Baby?! :O lol, fine, what about you?
  6. Pboy

    Republic of Naswaristan

    Hey, belated wishes for your new admin role. Congratulations. @Aeronaut
  7. Pboy

    Whats your baradari or tribe?

  8. Pboy


    Fine, all good :)
  9. Pboy


    Is @Alpha1 still hyperactive as before or has he toned down a bit? lol Its okay lol. Not that much a freezer lately. Very unstable here where it could be sun and rain to a hell again with a snow storm, but im alive :P
  10. Pboy


    Kuch bhi nahin. Could be fun though :D :P J/k of course. Fine, what about you? A long time ago.
  11. Pboy


    Rampage need some chittar.
  12. Pboy

    Republic of Naswaristan

    Traitor? Kid..... don't forget closing your door before going to sleep. You never know what can happen. Just kidding.
  13. Pboy


    Sup guys? How's life
  14. Pboy

    Norway Expats Report Inn

    Whats up? Not been on since last month, ______________________________________________ Nice. Looking forward to it. Not heard anything myself though.
  15. Pboy


    The site has become a mess now.
  16. Pboy


    Happy new year everyone!
  17. Pboy


    Congrats on getting promoted to a TT member @Alpha1 Keep up the good work.
  18. Pboy

    PDF Annual Awards 2013

    Difficult one....
  19. Pboy

    Congratulations to Alpha1

    No idea.
  20. Pboy

    PDF Color Scheme

    Was unsure on whether I should create a new thread or not just for a specific question so I'll just ask it here. @WebMaster Is there a plug-in for viewing how many posts, posters have made in one thread?
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