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    Italian Activist: 'USA, EU, Italy, Qatar, Saudi, Turkey Support Terrorists'

    I'm Kurdish. I support the people in the FSA, whom are not affiliated with any Islamic organizations and want to be free from Assad. But Islamists has hijacked the revolution and the FSA's name. These Islamists commit atrocities against people. Do not deny this. There are many videos of their...
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    Italian Activist: 'USA, EU, Italy, Qatar, Saudi, Turkey Support Terrorists'

    I don't know much about this guy, neither do I know, if his views are really anti-Turkish. But he posted an article, which is completely relevant to this forum section. In my opinion; don't shoot the messenger. As for the news, I agree with the Italian activist. All those countries are...
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    Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez dies

    He was a great socialist. Rest in peace.
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    Jordan King Abdullah`s Visit to Ankara and His tears

    I don't think he will be next in the "Arab spring"*, as he's pro-West. But you can never know what USA might do. USA's foreign policy equals hypocrisy. * I do not see this, "Arab Spring", as a liberation to Arabs at all. In fact, I think it has caused them a bigger damage. I'm interested in...
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    Jordan King Abdullah`s Visit to Ankara and His tears

    I can't quote anyone, that has links included, but the picture where Davutoğlu cries with that man... I must say, that Davutoğlu is a hypocrite. Congratulations on the Jordanian-Turkish relations.
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    Iraq shells FSA-positions in Syria

    No one can unite Iraq. Only formally though, but not in reality. Because Iraq is an artificial state created by the Brits. The borders were not drawn by the people, but European imperalists, thus the country is likely to fall. Therefore, it is only a matter of time, before Iraq conflicts...
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