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  1. naveen mishra

    Nothing concrete about Teesta, LBA

    it is not out of protocol ,foreign and external affair mister always meet with opposition leader too
  2. naveen mishra

    Islam to become Russia’s predominant religion by 2050?

    this time hare Krishna moment is also in peak in Russia Hinduism has been spread in Russia primarily due to the work of missionaries from the Vaishnava Hindu organizationInternational Society for Krishna Consciousness and by itinerant swamis from India. There is an active Tantra...
  3. naveen mishra

    Jamaat-ud-Dawa game over

    what is in video ?
  4. naveen mishra

    Bangladesh PM gets death threat from militants

    in 2004 i was in Chittagong...............that time even she was not in power that was deadly attack .....i clearly remember The 2004 Dhaka grenade attack was an attempt to kill Sheikh Hasina, the then-former Prime Minister of Bangladesh, on 21 August 2004. The attack left at least 24 dead...
  5. naveen mishra

    New UNESCO listings include many Asian sites

    Raja Ampat (Papua Island), Indonesia
  6. naveen mishra

    New UNESCO listings include many Asian sites

    Cultural Landscape of Bali Province: the Subak System as a Manifestation of the Tri Hita Karana Philosophy Cultural Landscape of Bali Province: the <em>Subak</em> System as a Manifestation of the <em>Tri Hita Karana</em> Philosophy - UNESCO World Heritage Centre The cultural landscape of Bali...
  7. naveen mishra

    New UNESCO listings include many Asian sites

    Candi Prambanan or Candi Rara Jonggrang is a 9th-century Hindu temple compound in Central Java, Indonesia, dedicated to the Trimurti, the expression of God as the Creator (Brahma), the Preserver (Vishnu) and the Destroyer (Shiva). The temple compound is located approximately 17 kilometres (11...
  8. naveen mishra

    Maharashtra government announces 16 per cent reservation for Marathas, 5 per cent for Muslims Read

    it is fact ,condition of forward cast become horrible day by day , specially Brahman, because of majority of them are poor too , we have left only two option 1>either we convert to Islam ,because that is practically possible, getting lower cast certificate is impossible , i do love to declare...
  9. naveen mishra

    Zindagi, Pakistan shows a hit in India

    i really don't think so , there is any issue in understanding serial ,the language which is using, is mix of English and easy urdu/hindi ,it exactly 99% what we use to speak here in India, but sometime feel difficult to understand news channel ,they use more complex word which we are not...
  10. naveen mishra

    Zindagi, Pakistan shows a hit in India

    there is no question about that Indian will not like it ? only religion is different ,many thing we have similarity and common ,which we identify with Pakistani i cant tell about entire India,but my mother and sister already watched two episode of Zindagi Gulzar Hai,both like character play by...
  11. naveen mishra

    Fundamentalist Hindus threaten to attack Pak diplomats

    don't worry baal bhi baka nahi hoga
  12. naveen mishra

    Tahir ul Qadri what do you say about this

    every buddy know who is ,Tahir ul Qadri , what you think he is not doing politics ? i simply say what ever be he is doing ,this is not right time ,
  13. naveen mishra

    Tahir ul Qadri what do you say about this

    Tahir ul Qadri is national leader ,he must understand , this is not right time ,easily he can wait for 3-4 month
  14. naveen mishra

    'Allah' for Muslims only: Malaysia's top court

    why Malaysian christian so desperate to use word Allah, they already have Tuhan word in Malaysian vocabulary, Indonesian always use Tuhan
  15. naveen mishra

    Amendment to stop funding to Pakistan defeated in US Congress

    "This is especially true for the Baloch and Sindhi, two large ethnic minority groups in Pakistan. Our money equips the Pakistan military, which brutally oppresses the aspirations of both of these people, both of which have a long history separate from Pakistan," he said. Source: Amendment to...
  16. naveen mishra

    Indian Shias attacked while praying for Iraq

    government should not take it lightly ...............but you can't expect any thing better from mulla Akhilesh government
  17. naveen mishra

    Army takes over sensitive areas of Gujarat

    Gujarat gets 175 companies of para forces | The Indian Express 27 apr new.....
  18. naveen mishra

    This is what Sports is all About

  19. naveen mishra

    Chennai RSS Leader Killed

    hope Sangh will handle situation maturely .......
  20. naveen mishra

    Women in Pakistan : A history of wrongs against women

    it is not religious issue ,it is cultural women in Indonesia is very independent and strong,Indonesian treat women with lots of respect ,i think best in world being Hindu we are not treating women better , we are on the same boat, the way other conservative society is
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