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    China Prepared to Settle India Border Dispute, Wang Says

    which school you study in?
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    China Prepared to Settle India Border Dispute, Wang Says

    what?as i know no such ting
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    China Prepared to Settle India Border Dispute, Wang Says

    i do,but most of time cant work.google translator is not good enough
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    China Prepared to Settle India Border Dispute, Wang Says

    it is not important just like chinese members here feel "we are biger".i am just a fan,ignore me.
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    China Prepared to Settle India Border Dispute, Wang Says

    you take youself like this.sorry i hurt you,
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    China Prepared to Settle India Border Dispute, Wang Says

    you take youselft as weak,you dont believe yourself and everyting.nobody like a desperate man except your enemy.why you dont believe there are no reson china need to hurt you.
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    China Prepared to Settle India Border Dispute, Wang Says

    apple and orange.most chinese just eye money,nothing more,but those educated people know the relationship with PK.
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    China Prepared to Settle India Border Dispute, Wang Says

    maybe we both have a bad government,but atleast you should truth it on this.Try not to be sad and think too much,brother,nobody want to be hurt.sorry for my poor english.
  9. N

    China may be going down the old Soviet path to disintegration

    hehe,i just talk to foreign friends what they want to think of,of cause poor english,poor history knowledge and i means "shape" of the state,not system.well,i hurt myself
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    China may be going down the old Soviet path to disintegration

    excuse me,an old ID,seems poor english..from where?china had ended as a federal state since 2000years ago and we are not in the lowest point in history. give you 100 years,not enough?what about 1000years?of cause when we migrate space,maybe we will consider giving you some concessions,ok
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    Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

    depression due to social alienation,this is muslim tragedy.no one could help them.i do not discriminate, but seems they are out of step with modern world.
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    Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

    泛化and分化is the same meaning for me.you have a big mouth,you are just like a fly flying around china everyday
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    Asia-Pacific Has Seven of the World’s Top 20 Global Cities

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    The history of Communist Party of China

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    Taiwan affairs

    it has been a language,chinese language.
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    China, Rome, and the United States

    we thanks them,as chinese,we should bound forward.
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    China Hong Kong SAR: News and Images

    seems hk is your citizens like.never mind,we all like her,after all hk is a part of China. 怕误会,回来果断刷红下。记者用这词已经宣告不会正面回应了,作为江,当然不会去肯定,但就能简单的否定?这还不是变相承认。记者要么无知要么挟带私货,但我倾向前者,先入为主得太露骨
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    China Hong Kong SAR: News and Images

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    China's Geography

    Geographically,in the long run,China must be the "middle kingdom".haha~```
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    Five stabbed to death in latest Chinese knife attack

    嘻嘻~~天亮了 我睡觉去了 ̄□ ̄||
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