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  1. R

    China acknowledges 'cancer villages'

    Lung cancer is mainly caused by smoking cigarettes. The tobacco industry is one of the most powerful industries in Chinese politics. Very difficult to get officials to get tough on smoking due to the influence of the tobacco industry.
  2. R

    Whites to Become Minority in USA in 30 Years

    China has the largest population, we will go whenever we want. We will eventually colonise white dominated countries.
  3. R


    YJ-12, YJ-18, YJ-22, DF-21D, YJ-83, CJ-10, CJ-20 and many others. I'm so excited.
  4. R

    DF-41 is back on the road!!

    Instead of just posting random things, give some specifics.
  5. R

    INS Vikramaditya will be delivered in November

    Who is the poster?
  6. R

    Italian naval guards & India: News & Updates

    Can Sonia Gandhi get permission to vote in Italian election too?
  7. R

    Beyond Oil and Gas: India and the Russian Far East

    Russians are becoming closer and closer with China with each passing day. The Russians know India is moving towards the western influence. India don't stand with Russia on geopolitical issues. Russia and China are extremely close in many geopolitical issues. Russia sells India military...
  8. R

    India to build 292 dams in Himalayas by 2050

    Indians can't keep their promise for next year and they are making predictions for 2050. *facepalm* And they ask why they are not taken seriously by the international community.
  9. R

    India - an aspiring hegemon

    Indians are desperate for our attention and respect. India wants to get recognition by China which is why you try so hard. But as hard as you try, the more it becomes apparent India is so far behind us it's not even worth comparing. Indians are obsessed with China, you talk to Indians and 95% of...
  10. R

    India - an aspiring hegemon

    Please don't overrate your military, you can't even beat pakistan and your minorities are wanting independence to break away from the Indian union and you are talking about conquering more countries. Despite Indian military advances it still remains a very backward military with corruption...
  11. R

    Blast in Hyderabad

    This is why India will never surpass us. So much internal chaos be it race, religion, social status, etc. That whole country is a mess and its political leadership is too incompetent to solve them. Heck, they can't even educate the illiterate population or end the caste system. India has always...
  12. R

    Blast in Hyderabad

    What does IM mean?
  13. R

    J’lalithaa cancels Asian Athletic Games over Sri Lanka’s participation

    I come in where I want, when I want and how I want.
  14. R

    How India is preparing to counter the China threat

    We pummelled you so bad you have been living in fear and paranoia for 50 years. When you actually had the chance to beat the PLA, you got whooped. No point crying behind keyboards and cameras. You had a chance to prove India is worthy of our respect, but you blew hot air in 1962. For all your...
  15. R

    J’lalithaa cancels Asian Athletic Games over Sri Lanka’s participation

    You mean Hindus don't do bad things to Muslims in India? Go look in the mirror before lecturing Sri Lanka.
  16. R

    India to launch Mars mission this year:President

    I have everything to do in this thread. Someone needs to bring these jingoistic Indians back to reality and show where their priorities should be. The fact is you have many domestic issues that must be addressed before these space nonsense. Many non-PDF Indians would agree with me. The Indian...
  17. R

    India to launch Mars mission this year:President

    You mean Indians don't abuse and kill Muslims living in India? We all know what happened in operation blue star in 1984 when the regime sent its tanks and army to massacre 10,000 innocent Sikhs fighting for the freedom. How come your media don't show your santitation problems and your human...
  18. R

    India to launch Mars mission this year:President

    The priority of your country should be education. You have a very large illiterate population. This is a fact. Your priority should be to improve people's livelihoods (sanitation). All this mars stuff is just for ego.
  19. R

    India to launch Mars mission this year:President

    Before establishing human colonies, first try sending a human into space. You can't afford, that's why you are running massive deficits causing your rupee to collapse and have high inflation.
  20. R

    Gwadar: Can India Checkmate China? – Analysis

    Despite me disagreeing with many of your posts, you're probably the only decent Vietnamese on this forum.
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