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  1. Dizer

    Iraq's reconstruction and development

    Construction across central and southern Iraq continues. Terrorist hotspots in the north and west of Iraq has stopped most construction. Not that there was a lot to begin with anyway.
  2. Dizer

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    Stop your bullshitting. This is Baiji refinery, TODAY. Under complete control of the army. Under constant patrol of army aviation. All attempts to enter the refinery has failed. The media is full of shit, don't swallow what they feed. Diyala is 95% under army control, with local tribes...
  3. Dizer

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    3 Million fighters - from tribal fighters, to local defence squads. Please don't spew information like this. You're too misinformed. Almost all Iraqi provinces are free and under national security protection, apart from CITIES like Mosul, Fallujah, Ramadi, and other smaller cities which are...
  4. Dizer

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    Yes, plenty. The commander of ISOF is a kurd too. Very patriotic one. Fadhel Berwari. ISOF consists of all Iraqi backgrounds.
  5. Dizer

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    Too many delusionals and terrorists on the forum. There's no point. The follow of BS from here is too much.
  6. Dizer

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

  7. Dizer

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

  8. Dizer

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    ^^ Terrorist. If you were in Iraq you'd get killed.
  9. Dizer

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    The situation is not what it seems. Like I said, soldiers were given orders to give up their posts. The governor of Ninawa has a hand in this, as well as some generals in the army. Your input is a joke. You should not comment here. You only know so much to insult and nothing else. are you...
  10. Dizer

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    very low coming from a mod. I really dislike the forum because of people like you, and I really didn't want to reply to this. But do you think our military just simply deserted their posts because of some jihadist sitting in pick up trucks ? It's more than that. They were given orders by new...
  11. Dizer

    Arabic Coffee shop

    Iraqis died fighting for the sorry excuse of 'arab brethren' for people like you.. such as shame. The graveyards of our soldiers still decorates palastinian lands. Had they known you cowards would support and exercise terrorism against their childrens children, they wouldn't have stepped into...
  12. Dizer

    Arabic Coffee shop

    this sort of crap makes me happy that israel f*cks you in the *** every now and then. Trashy people, no one deserves to die for.
  13. Dizer

    Arabic Coffee shop

    You know nothing about Iraq. Keep your mouth shut.
  14. Dizer

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

  15. Dizer

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

  16. Dizer

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

  17. Dizer

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

  18. Dizer

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

  19. Dizer

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

  20. Dizer

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

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