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    Indian army using rape as weapon in ***, Manipur: Arundhati Roy

    India must solve its rampant gang rape and incest culture. Gang rape happens in India on a DAILY basis.
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    Islamists’ Harsh Justice Is on the Rise in North Mali

    This is nothing compared to the gang rape and incest loving culture in India.
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    China Toughens Its Restrictions on Use of the Internet

    Hey atleast we don't go around gang raping women on a DAILY basis. Indian censorship is the worst, they ban anything critical of the repulsive Hindu culture of gang rape. Worshipping cows and treatment of women as pieces of meat is part of despicable Hindu culture. I wouldn't be surprised if...
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    New Delhi police fire water cannon at India rape protest

    Apparently there was a NEW gang rape in Tamil Nadu. 10 guys raped a girl for 2 hours while they tied her boyfriend to a tree. Absolutely repulsive culture. Despicable. Shameful.
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    Indian army using rape as weapon in ***, Manipur: Arundhati Roy

    Indians have a sick mentality. Bunch of Indian tried raping a girl when they were in China. That's what happens when you worship Hindu cows.
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    Pope's Christmas message focuses on Mideast, China

    The pope is a child molesting despot from an evil religion. We are a Confucius, Taoist and Buddhist country. All other religions are not welcome in China.
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    China Economy Forum

    Why are we allowing Hollywood propaganda to enter China and hurt our domestic film industry? Useless CPC. Traitors. F**k the WTO. Domestic companies must be protected from foreign invasions. Xi Jinping is a western puppet.
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    Purported plea from Chinese labor camp found in Halloween decorations

    Chinesedefence is the best. It bans all indian trolls. You can actually have proper debates without it turning into a trollfest like PDF.
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    Purported plea from Chinese labor camp found in Halloween decorations

    Why don't the CPC find these Falun Gong crackpots a d take them out. CPC is far too nice these days.
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    China Space Military:Recon, Satcom, Navi, ASAT/BMD, Orbital Vehicle, SLV, etc.

    Do you have a picture to show which areas of Asia-Pacific are covered?
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    Purported plea from Chinese labor camp found in Halloween decorations

    What do you expect? This is PDF. It's the worst managed forum without a doubt. Pretty much EVERY single thread is a trollfest. The mods are clueless and don't even care. Chinesedefence forum (managed by Chinese mods) has very strict mods as does sinodefence forum (American and Chinese mods). I...
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    Purported plea from Chinese labor camp found in Halloween decorations

    :lol: riiight. Another CIA propaganda campaign done by American NGOs in China. Nothing to see here. Let the Hindus have a cry about it and let's move on. Ofcourse they won't ever open threads about the brutal oppression of Sikhs, Tamils and Muslims that desperately want independence from the...
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    Expert: China's submarines close to world level

    US wants everyone to kiss their backside. China don't do that.
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    Expert: China's submarines close to world level

    Yup, that's what the Americans said when the PLA entered the Korean War.
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    Pakistan is China's number one ally: Chinese experts

    Considering Pakistan won all the wars they had with India, we didn't need to help.
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    Leio's PLA military photos (kinds of military equipments)

    Tell the yanks to take a hike. Don't bother joining Yankee crackpot forums. American forums are all anti-Chinese BS. Typical American racism.
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    China's aviation engineers are being assassinated.

    Don't be naive? Naive is treating this as all 'natural deaths' and not questioning them.
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    China's aviation engineers are being assassinated.

    So 3 of the TOP engineers die in ONE MONTH and you relate that to work load? :lol: America have been worried about Chinese military rise and they have will do anything to slow down these projects. Just look how they took out the Iranian nuclear scientists. Yes, over work is an issue but 3 deaths...
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