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  1. ag3nt47

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    Are there any Kurds in the ISOF?
  2. ag3nt47

    Dubai police: Hezbollah behind attack in Bahrain

    The group responsible for it was the the Saraya Al-Ashtar brigade.
  3. ag3nt47

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    ^ @Doritos11 Is that the regular army or special forces using the belt-fed M16 ?
  4. ag3nt47

    Mexican Gangbangers fighting in Syria LOL

    It would be funny if they were fighting against the SAA, since Assad referring to the opposition as "armed gangs" would have some truth in it.
  5. ag3nt47

    Saudi Arabia to hit back at US in Syria

    Except not in all cases : These don't have anything to do with fighting for freedom: Threatening to killing infidels unless they convert to islam Killing people over insulting islam Killing religious minorities for having different beliefs Blowing up "unislamic" schools
  6. ag3nt47

    Is Iran engaging in sectarian discrimination against its Sunnis?

    Latest video from Sunni militant group Harakat Ansar-Iran calling for jihad against the "polytheists" in Iran : "Message From AnsarIran to Khamenei (LA)" on youtube
  7. ag3nt47

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    Are the SWAT connected to the Federal Police or Iraqi Police Service ? Isn't the Federal police just policeman with some military training?
  8. ag3nt47

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    How are SWAT teams spread in Iraq? Does each Province have one?
  9. ag3nt47

    Suicide bombers target Shias again, school children among victims.

    They do , Shiite extremists, Radical Shiite militias, and disgruntled Shiite started killing Sunnis. The Baathist and Al-Qaeda terrorists are trying to provoke a civil war. In the past Disgruntled members of of the Armed of the Forces stared killed Sunnis in revenge killings, I'm not sure if...
  10. ag3nt47

    Pro Democracy protests in Bahrain | News & Discussions

    These bombings were probably just made by homegrown Shiite Extremists , not help with Iran. On the Facebook page of the Al-Ashtar brigades, the group which claimed responsibility for the bombing the police, you can see pictures of kataib hezbollah (Iraqi Shiite Militia) .
  11. ag3nt47

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    Out of interest, Not that I feel sorry for the insurgents/terrorists/criminals the Iraqi Government are fighting, but do any Iraqis here have any sympathy for them? Aren't children now left without fathers who have been killed by the Iraqi Army?
  12. ag3nt47

    BAGHDAD — At least 66 people were killed in bomb blasts in Iraq on Friday

    Didn't the Iraqi government issue an arrest warant for the head of the Mukhtar army?
  13. ag3nt47

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    I know the majority of Iraqi army are Shia, but what percentage of the new Iraqi army are former members of the Bathist army ?
  14. ag3nt47

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    What weapons do the Iraqi Police use apart from Ak47's and PKM's?
  15. ag3nt47

    At least 27 killed as Iraqi forces raid Sunni protest camp

    Out of interest, do you they know what group these dead terrorists belong to? Were they radical Salafis or Saddam loyalists?
  16. ag3nt47

    Insurgents kill 30 Syrian civilians in Idlib

    Man arrested at Heathrow airport on suspicion of Syria terrorism links
  17. ag3nt47

    Terrorists kill 2 policemen in southeastern Iran

    The group has a video showing them preparing for their operations. www[]youtube[]com/watch?v=kesN7uY3Gj4&feature=plcp
  18. ag3nt47

    Terrorists kill 2 policemen in southeastern Iran

    Harakat Ansar Iran have claim responsibility They also released a video saying what they did. They killed the shia "kaffirs". www[***]youtube[/***]com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=0G9zdyP4RMU Sunni terrorists "Harakat Ansar Iran " declares jihad on the Iranian shias A new Baluchi...
  19. ag3nt47

    Iran’s Sunnis demand greater religious freedom

    Sunni terrorists "Harakat Ansar Iran " declares jihad on the Iranian shias A new Baluchi Sunni terrorist group call Harakat Ansar Iran has declared jihad on the Iranian shia "infidels". They took responsibility for the martyrdom operation that killed 4 guards outside a mosque, and injured...
  20. ag3nt47

    The Clash Within Civilisations: The Sunni-Shiite Divide

    Also there are Salafi extremists in Azerbaijan, a secular Shia majority country.
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