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  1. Knight of Tang

    Xi: There is no gene for invasion in our blood

    So? Isn't today the history of tomorrow?Even for "TODAY", I can still recall many bloody invasions conducted by you americans not so long ago...for some obvious reasons but never the same as your banner says. At least we've got documents to back our claim, what did you americans got when you...
  2. Knight of Tang

    Xi: There is no gene for invasion in our blood

    Who the F cares about what others decided about how to deal with our own properties? especially when we were not at present , what the hell are you, gansters? Only 49 countries can represent the international community? Don't amuse us anymore...learn to use some sounding logic when debating with...
  3. Knight of Tang

    Will war break out between China and Vietnam ?

    Can we kill some vietnamese and just simply reply with "WE ARE SORRY"? 2 Chinese citizens were killed and hundreds were badly injured, and you even dare to accuse China and call yourself the peace lovers?
  4. Knight of Tang

    Xi: There is no gene for invasion in our blood

    Just simply wiki or google it and tell me did either ROC or PRC present in this conference? Was it legitimate to decide the sovereignty of those islands while the most closely related party was absent? We did not sign that treaty, and we'll never admit this private deal between just US and japs...
  5. Knight of Tang

    Xi: There is no gene for invasion in our blood

    At least we grab some maps and have some conversations...I guess things are whole lot easier to you Americans... just simply kill the aboriginals and drive the survivals into the reservation areas... seems like a little bit more hasty than us...
  6. Knight of Tang

    Joint Chinese-Russian Naval Drills Begin in Shanghai

    At least we know how to distinguish and avoid the risk...it's way better than living in knowing nothing but just on what your vietcong leaders told you...you viets have no position to satirize China in any aspects, we are proud of our tremendous achievements in reviving our nation and naturally...
  7. Knight of Tang

    Joint Chinese-Russian Naval Drills Begin in Shanghai

    Chinese wine is just for the decent and mutually loyal friends like Pakistan, not for you ungrateful and selfish traitors. Anything give to you is welcome but nothing is to share or pay back... who would like to make friends with such a bunch of mean rogues...just enjoy your own shxty wine of...
  8. Knight of Tang

    Xi: There is no gene for invasion in our blood

    China is China, no matter it is ROC or PRC, just the difference of ruling party. Remember this and I won't teach this common knowledge to you twice. We are the civilization with 5000 years history and more than 20 times change of sovereignty. Whoever holds the mainland possess the legitimacy to...
  9. Knight of Tang

    Xi: There is no gene for invasion in our blood

    Read the Cairo Declaration and the Potsdam Declaration carefully please and then tell me can the post war situation be changed by a surrendered party?? Well if you think they can, we don't, now is the time to reclaim Chinese possessions by Chinese power. We don't care about whether you like it...
  10. Knight of Tang

    More than 20 dead, doctor says, as anti-China riots spread in Vietnam

    Wow, your mouth is even bigger than your poor stomach, fill it with BS and stop spraying it. I'm pretty sure that the scene you pictured below was way beyond the wildest dream in your Vietcong leaders' mind. I just can't wait to see how your "force" would be carried out besides the suicide...
  11. Knight of Tang

    Xi: There is no gene for invasion in our blood

    Let me tell you what is the fact, Diaoyu island has always been claimed by PRC and it was settled with a common understanding that the dispute should be passed to the future when China normalized diplomatic relationship with Japan in 1972. It was Japan who broke the status quo with the action of...
  12. Knight of Tang

    China starts the evacuation of citizens from Vietnam

    Find an ally, grab it and insist on dealling with just one side without turning coat( like Pakistan), or stay neutral and be more open to some win-win proposals( like Malaysia and Thailand). All in a nutshell, don't be this aggresive and too greedy to even think about swallowing sth. way larger...
  13. Knight of Tang

    Suspected Boko Haram attack Chinese workers in Cameroon

    I won't blame you for your good memory and slow response, and I don't see anything worth waiting...save it pls. Here's the thing, it's just like the two sides of a coin, you can make them butcher's knives or you can find some other good uses like exploiting the wild. Their call but not ours...
  14. Knight of Tang

    China starts the evacuation of citizens from Vietnam

    Then why don't you stop being wrong until you get yourself a right mind?
  15. Knight of Tang

    China starts the evacuation of citizens from Vietnam

    They are just too blind to see the fact...sad but true... ************************************************************* The only thing that I can tell from your words is... your English teacher must be a Russian...poor boy...
  16. Knight of Tang

    Taiwain Suffered Big Loss Over 1 billions Dollar in Damage by riots in Vietnam.

    Well, I suggest you go back to where you come from no matter it is the desert or the jungle, cause your ignorance really amazes me. How can a civilized man make friend with a bunch of mobs? Why should a decent man answer the subpoena initiated by a rogue?
  17. Knight of Tang

    China starts the evacuation of citizens from Vietnam

    Pls show me your point, or you can just STFU. Never play those childish tricks trying to distract me. You told me HK is not China, then why the hell don't you distinguish them from Chinese by yourselves? You viets have the hobby to slap your own face, that's the fact I can see but please don't...
  18. Knight of Tang

    China starts the evacuation of citizens from Vietnam

    But still you rob them without any hesitation in the name of "anti-China" just like you rob those Koreans and even Germans...how civilized and intelligent you guys are... Sounds like you were even better than those African countries...I really cannot figure out where did you viets get the guts...
  19. Knight of Tang

    China starts the evacuation of citizens from Vietnam

    See? I told you that viets are just some hungry wolves seeking for feed from whoever they are and get ready to bite their hands whenever they want. They have no sense of honor or pride, just a bunch of shameless blood suckers...it's really a shame that you made up your "history" to call yourself...
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