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  1. kidwaibhai

    The protests: The West vs The Arabs?

    Lets get one thing clear. Not all protest against this film were violent. Most of the protest have been small and peaceful. I think the article below gives a great analysis for what is happening right now. Protests against the anti-Islam film Innocence of Muslims have erupted in cities from...
  2. kidwaibhai

    Pakistan Revolution: Another lie busted! Drones still flying!

    You are talking about respecting our own. Lets first hold those pakistanis accountable for killing of other Pakistanis. Where were you when the ahmedis were murdered while worshipping allah. Where was this sense of outrage when all the sufi shrines were hit and countless innocent Pakistanis...
  3. kidwaibhai

    Pakistan Revolution: Another lie busted! Drones still flying!

    Nonsense. Exteme Hyperbole, what was decided was in the larger interest of Pakistan. Imran Khan has no base he can launch anything he wants. Nobody is going to follow. If people are so angry they should start preparing for the next election and defeat the people in office through the ballot...
  4. kidwaibhai

    Raymond Davis Case: Diyat Paid by Saudi Arabia? US Denies Payment.

    Every body needs to calm down specially our esteemed uber self righteous Indian members. The americans it seems are going to investigate this guy which i think is a good thing. US to probe CIA contractor killings in Pakistan | AAJ News The American Embassy says the Justice Department has...
  5. kidwaibhai

    Pakistan's Jewish Problem

    I agree that the biggest problem in Pakistan is that we are not secular. I have on this forum a number of times said that I would like Pakistan to have separation between mosque and state. The reason why Pakistan is in a sorry state like this is that we have a country like afghanistan on our...
  6. kidwaibhai

    Pakistan's Jewish Problem

    As I said taking one quote out of context you can make anything look the way you want to. Anyways I am posting the link which I think refutes what you just said. As I find more sources I will keep updating you if you want. Why Islam Is Against Antisemitism? « Kashif Shahzada | Islam & Interfaith
  7. kidwaibhai

    Pakistan's Jewish Problem

    First lets not bring Quranic versus into this discussion because none of us are scholars and so interpret each verse one has to know when it was written and what situation it was written for. I think its complete bull statement that islam is anti-Semitic. Anyways I do agree that this blaming...
  8. kidwaibhai

    UCLA Student Video Rant Against Asians

    guys calm down. I think this was horrible stereotyping but i dont think she had any malicious intentions.
  9. kidwaibhai

    Imran Khan: We'll implement "Khilafat e Rashida" system in Pakistan

    I just have one question what would this system be like. Will be there elections or will our rulers be chosen by a pious few. How will the will of the people be interpreted by the government and put into practice. Our neighbors have already tried systems like these and things dont always turn...
  10. kidwaibhai

    Pakistan's Jewish Problem

    anti-semitism should be condemned in all its forms. This bigotry should not be tolerated by anyone.
  11. kidwaibhai

    Hasina, Santu should win Nobel Peace prize: AG

    in Pakistan we call people like this dude a "Loota"
  12. kidwaibhai

    George ka khuda hafiz

    Unfortunate. I dont see this as anything bad. So he had a couple of bad experiences and yes there are some disturbing trends but there are millions for Pakistanis who are trying to make it better and better they will make it with or without George. Anyways I wish him the best of luck and hope he...
  13. kidwaibhai

    US plans for ‘imperial’ presence in Pakistan by building super embassy in Islamabad

    If he has diplomatic immunity then we have to honor it no matter what. It doesn't matter how many people are there in the embassy. The second largest US embassy in world is in Beijing and the chinese seem to be ok with. People in Pakistan need to have confidence in themselves as long we have an...
  14. kidwaibhai

    Najam Sethi, this guy talks sense.

    I think Najam Sethi provides very good analysis on issues. I watch his show on GEO regularly. If more journalist were as calm and composed on issues in pakistan. Making policy in this country would be a lot easier.
  15. kidwaibhai

    Pakistan Army At UAE Defence Exhibition

    yeah i saw they were also displaying different size of mortars and artillery would have liked to see the Al Khalid or some of the APCs
  16. kidwaibhai

    Separatist warns of Pakistan's religious extremism.

    I have never heard of the guy. Until i see something in Pakistani papers there is no need to comment
  17. kidwaibhai

    ECP invites parties to sort out thorny issues

    could you enlighten us how
  18. kidwaibhai

    Pakistan Army At UAE Defence Exhibition

    This is a report by CNN show casing some pakistan products at the exhibition. http://cnn.com/video/?/video/world/2011/02/21/starr.mideast.arms.bazaar.cnn
  19. kidwaibhai

    Egyptian Army .Videos

    hey amir did you go out and protest and what was it like
  20. kidwaibhai

    A Looming Superpower Clash Triggered by Pakistan - The Middle East Media Research Ins

    MEMRI edits clips selectively to make arabs look bad. There translation is also wrong most of the time. Here is a gaurdian recount on how bad some of the translation really is. http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2007/may/15/arabicunderfire
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