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  1. L

    Saudi Arabia to Allow Women Into Stadiums

    Congratulations! Finally they came out of the cave and realised that women and men are equal.
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    Bangladesh Showing Interest to Join Iran-Pakistan Gas Pipeline Project

    Now that Bangladesh has shown interest, I guess US will stop interfering and worrying about this project. US doesn't wanna angry Bangladesh.
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    Swamy : Nehru never discussed Plebisite announcement in cabinet

    No plebiscite possible unless Pakistan withdraw its troops from its occupied part of Kashmir. That's the UN resolution. Pakistan never honoured this resolution by UN and not likely to honour anytime soon. We Indians are absolutely fine with the status quo.
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    21000 Pakistanies in KSA On Verge Of Deportation

    Oh damn..... I thought Saudi Arabia and Al Pakistan Arabia are best friends....
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    UK asks Pakistani elite to sign social contract with its people

    It was nice to talk to you for the first time.
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    Pakistan Roots Seen in Moscow Plot

    I think there is something wrong with Pakistan's education system. This can't be a co-incidence every time. How come majority terrorists are Pakistani origin? Reviewing the text books and syllabus in Pakistan would be a great help to Pakistanis themselves.
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    Saudi cleric says using air-conditioners by women 'immoral'

    This news come after Pakistan ban using the AC. Any connections?
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    UK asks Pakistani elite to sign social contract with its people

    I never knew that UK was the biggest donor for Pakistan. I thought that Pakistan only asks money from US.
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    India-BD Border Rail Link Work to Start this Year

    May be because we get the free transit from there, thats why?
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    Need Suggestion Regarding Mobile Phone

    My friend had a windows phone. He sold it and got the new android phone. Go for any android.
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    Electricity import from India a priority for Nawaz

    Like I said before, congress is gonna lose power anyways. You sign a deal with them or no, they will definitely go this time. Also, like I said before, BJP wont mind Congress to do such deals or even the bjp themselves will do it. No problemo as long as we make cash you know. I think you...
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    Electricity import from India a priority for Nawaz

    Congress is gonna lose power anyways. Its got nothing to do with such agreements or deals with Pakistan. BJP and akali Dal ruled Punjab invited Pakistani firm to help them clean Amritsar. I think BJP dont worry about all these thongs as long as something good is happening. I assure you that BJP...
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    Electricity import from India a priority for Nawaz

    Aap ko toh bura lag gaya sir jee!! :lol: BJP is not against good relationship with pak. Remember A B Vajpayee?? He was PM from BJP and went all the way to Lahore in the bus. Unfortunately, your army infiltrated into Kargil. Again, its very simple. You take care of the terrorists, do not...
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    China’s Brutal One-Child Policy

    Yeah those SOME families are very very SOME. i guess the reason you guys keep on fighting with us, is because you don't have brothers or sisters to fight with.
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    China’s Brutal One-Child Policy

    There are no brothers. There are no sisters. There are no aunts or uncles. There are no cousins. How sad. On top of that, the only male child will need to care for 6 elderly people. Sounds like a great plan, China.
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    Electricity import from India a priority for Nawaz

    That MIGHT is just a speculation. I tell you what, if there are no terrorists attack originating from your country then we are doing absolutely fine. I guess you can't guarantee that, as terrorists are floating around all over your country and you have no control over them. So its...
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    China’s Brutal One-Child Policy

    what happens if someone got twins?
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    Electricity import from India a priority for Nawaz

    So you mean if India loses a cricket match, we will stop electricity exports to Pakistan?? :rofl: Lol you guys are funny. I love this forum.
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    Electricity import from India a priority for Nawaz

    Well that will happen only after some terrorists blow themselves up in India in the name of allah. Till then we can be best buddies and no problemo.
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    Ireland "very willing" to tour Pakistan: Cricket Ireland

    The Ireland players should get the state honour when they arrive, along with the bravery awards. Good step.
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