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  1. J

    Pakistan's Economy Under-estimated, Karachi Equities Undervalued

    Pakistan cannot wait for any one person. The clock is ticking. The countdown to total macroeconomic collapse has now begun. Pakistan does not have much time left. Pakistan needs to act now! So here goes: Pakistan's Tax Revenue Grossly Underestimated, Government Salaries Vastly Underrated...
  2. J

    Pakistan's Economy Under-estimated, Karachi Equities Undervalued

    The Truth is the Light. The bright Light, the soothing Light. Where is the Light? Can you see the Light? Let us all head towards that Light. The bright Light, the soothing Light. Help for Pakistan: EU approves special duty-free access – The Express Tribune Textile association begs...
  3. J

    Pakistan's Economy Under-estimated, Karachi Equities Undervalued

    There is no time to wait for responses. Pakistan has to restructure its economy NOW! Pakistan must immediately boost savings & investment. There is no time to be lost. Even as mindless indulgence in conspicuous consumption is rising rapidly in Pakistan, here are some more horrific symptoms...
  4. J

    Pakistan's Economy Under-estimated, Karachi Equities Undervalued

    Pakistan has dug itself into a hole, but the OP is denying the existence of that hole. Pakistan is digging itself deeper & deeper into that hole, and the OP is just encouraging Pakistan to dig faster. This is suicidal. Following are more data that make the same point from different angles of...
  5. J

    Pakistan's Economy Under-estimated, Karachi Equities Undervalued

    The PPP Government increased the support prices for essential items (i.e. food-prices) specifically to move purchasing power away from urban areas and towards their key voter base in the rural areas. Obviously, this has led to increased purchasing-power amongst farmers and other rural workers in...
  6. J

    Pakistan's Economy Under-estimated, Karachi Equities Undervalued

    Extract from your own quote of Dr. Ashfaque H. Khan: "....Domestic investment hit a 60 years low and domestic saving experienced an unprecedented fall. Side by side, foreign private investment collapsed...." Clearly, if savings & investment are too busy falling, hitting 60-year lows or...
  7. J

    Pakistan's Economy Under-estimated, Karachi Equities Undervalued

    Apparently, the Pakistani Economy is TWICE as large as officially believed. In addition, and by implication, Government Debt burden is only HALF as large as officially believed. And YET: Living in denial - Dr Ashfaque H Khan Looming vulnerabilities | DAWN.COM Dollar run - Dr Farrukh Saleem...
  8. J

    Pakistan's Economy Under-estimated, Karachi Equities Undervalued

    Here is an excellent article by Dr. Shakeel Ahmad elaborating on the same theme of excessive conspicuous consumption with falling domestic savings and collapsing total investment: Institutions to invest | The Nation Key points which he makes in the article: I) National statistics are...
  9. J

    Pakistan's Economy Under-estimated, Karachi Equities Undervalued

    You are correct that the economy is not doing well. And the other fellow is also correct that conspicuous consumption is booming. At first glance, this appears to be a paradox that puzzles everybody: the headline numbers indicate an economy in an abysmal state, but everywhere one looks...
  10. J

    Wake up Pakistan!: Where do we stand in the comity of nations?

    Diets heavy in meat and dairy (general animal products with saturated fats) are known to predispose to higher incidence of colorectal cancer. Diets heavy in plant proteins and fiber are known to reduce incidence of colon cancer. JAMA Network | JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical...
  11. J

    Investment Analysts Bullish on Pakistan

    You are correct that some of the ostentatious consumption we are now seeing can be attributed to the boom in remittances, especially from the expatriates in the GCC nations. However, a major part of the rural consumption boom was triggered when the PPP came into power and increased...
  12. J

    India makes Huge defense spending cuts

    Thumb rule: 5,000 Crore INR = 1 Billion USD =10,000 Crore PKR INR: Indian Rupee PKR: Pakistani Rupee USD: United State Dollar
  13. J

    Investment Analysts Bullish on Pakistan

    Doesn't anybody read newspapers anymore? It's all there: Major balance of payments crisis expected by Dec - thenews.com.pk Pakistan to repay $1.1 billion to IMF in Feb Before the implosion - Dr Ashfaque H Khan IMF sees SBP-held forex reserves falling to $7.5bn Living in denial - Dr...
  14. J

    Pakistan has the worst economy in Asia-Pacific region: Report

    Doesn't anybody read newspapers anymore? It's all there: Dollar run - Dr Farrukh Saleem Through the eye of the needle - S Iftikhar Murshed Major balance of payments crisis expected by Dec - thenews.com.pk Pakistan to repay $1.1 billion to IMF in Feb Before the implosion - Dr...
  15. J

    Investment Analysts Bullish on Pakistan

    Please see my earlier comment on how the current consumption boom was coming at the expense of savings & investment. The situation right now is very precarious and we could see a BOP/Currency crisis with massive capital flight at any time: ISLAMABAD: Despite depressive economic situation of...
  16. J

    Investment Analysts Bullish on Pakistan

    "Pity the people of Pakistan, trapped between self-serving, complacent elites who preside over a crumbling state, and a rich array of violent extremists who seem determined to tear the same state apart...." That author of this moving piece works for the Association of Free Lance Journalists...
  17. J

    Investment Analysts Bullish on Pakistan

    Please see my earlier comment (#50 or #post3577977) that explains precisely this point. In addition, what do you think would be an appropriate title for this thread? Please choose from the following: 1) Pakistan, Pakistan 2) Bullish on Pakistan 3) Investment Analysts Bullish on Pakistan 4)...
  18. J

    Taliban threaten to target MQM

    Read this scathing criticism of India, Nehru & the Congress by Perry Anderson-- Perry Anderson · After Nehru · LRB 2 August 2012 He writes: 1) Fake democracy 2) Phony Secularism 3) Kashmir ruled by Guns 4) Muslims are outsiders 5) Dalits brutally oppressed 6) Indians are delusional 7) False...
  19. J

    Wake up Pakistan!: Where do we stand in the comity of nations?

    This is exactly what a lot of my friends from Kabul say about Pakistanis. Of course, when they say "Pakistanis" they really mean the Punjabis and are not really referring to the Pashtu and Baloch speaking people. They always refer to the Pakistani Punjabis as "Daal-Khor". The term is...
  20. J

    Investment Analysts Bullish on Pakistan

    You are correct that the economy is not doing well. And the other fellow is also correct that conspicuous consumption is booming. At first glance, this appears to be a paradox that puzzles everybody: the headline numbers indicate an economy in an abysmal state, but everywhere one looks, there...
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