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  1. p4kistan

    Kharian- the city of wonders.

    I'm a native of tehsil kharian, my village is attowala of dinga rd. The earlier pics you had is 1 of skyways. Kharian is ideally placed in middle of Islamabad & Lahore. It holds great strategic value hence kharian cantt was one of the largest if not the largest base during colonial rule. This...
  2. p4kistan

    Syria militants now using Humvees seized in Iraq

    if it wasn't for these wacky filthy back stabbers you would probably be commies. Your butts would be hurting more without our help, we've saved your asses enough times. Your days of hegemony are coming to an end, time for you to learn how it feels like being butt hurt.
  3. p4kistan

    situation in Iraq, a red alert for Pakistan

    The difference is that ISIS/ISIL has the support of the Sunnis due to Maliki & Shia policies treating Sunnis as 2nd class citizens. Hence they have taken over the Sunni areas. Remember in the past these Sunni tribes defeated alqaeda & ISIS in the past & have now joined them as a last resort...
  4. p4kistan

    ISIS: "We will raise our flag in Tehran"

    If the punk US & Nato forces didn't invade then this sh1t wouldn't have happened. there was nothing there so how the hell are they going backwards. oh yeah i forgot you only go forward when you accept faggots etc
  5. p4kistan

    ISIS: "We will raise our flag in Tehran"

    Instead the takfiris have turned Islam into a murderous cult (their version). They contradict everything prophet muhammad (saw) said. They go around killing innocenet people, they use criminality to implement their goals. The takfiris & pir/baba shrine worshippers are the same in my book. One...
  6. p4kistan

    Amritsar president demands a Separate Khalistan

    Lahore will eternally stay with the Muslims, if there can be no Khalistan without Lahore then it will never happen
  7. p4kistan

    Amritsar president demands a Separate Khalistan

    So by learning from TTP do you mean killing their fellow Sikhs/punjabis. That very good logic, idiot.
  8. p4kistan

    Amritsar president demands a Separate Khalistan

    If you're so brave where's your state? You just go aong with whoever is in power until they don't give 2 hoots about you.
  9. p4kistan

    Govt warns of military operation in North Waziristan

    Am i the one dumb as f*ck or are you. I for one aren't and don't have my head stuffed up my arse so high that i can't comprehend the BS my govt feeds the masses. I do ACCEPT reality not except it. 1) You dumb f*ck the taliban as an entity were present from 1994-2001 by your logic they should...
  10. p4kistan

    Govt warns of military operation in North Waziristan

    It's because of that b4stard US that we're in this shitfcuk. We'll deal with it on our terms the US n it's war can go f itself. There was no terrorism in our neighbourhood until you showed up so quit going on the high horse. Wherever you go death & destructions follows. Iraq?
  11. p4kistan

    Karachi Airport Under Terrorist Attack

    Revenge will be sweet when we get to the bottom of this. Pakistan zindabad
  12. p4kistan

    Karachi Airport Under Terrorist Attack

    Whether you are white or not. Who gives a f11ck about daily mail. They have an innate islamophobic agenda with a majority racist inbred working class. No one cares about d mail.
  13. p4kistan

    Iran refused to fuel Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif's plane to make Pak airline pay dues

    Do you really think Iran would cause a shameful diplomatic issue for a meagre 5k. Iran wants to build a closer relationship with PK. We're talking about $ billions at stake, oil, infrastructure etc. Such an event would have kissed any future cooperation goodbye.
  14. p4kistan

    Chinese swear their revenge on Japanese (Sino-Japanese War)

    Chinese don't need to get revenge. The old Japanese warriors finished after the nukes. The japs were raped by the US & are continuing to be raped. Their used to it now, Chinese need not do anything. It's a shame they no longer have honour as they used to, Japs need to grow balls.
  15. p4kistan

    Far-right National Front wins EU vote in France

    NF is clearly a racist party to think otherwise you must be deluded. Wait for increased riots now. Plus European elections are BS anyway. Local elections count. Looks like the French are moving towards xenophobia
  16. p4kistan

    Muslim Youths Mutilated in Central African Republic

    You never hear about CHRISTIAN TERRORISM do you. When the Seleka retaliates it will be brutal & classed as TERRORISM.
  17. p4kistan

    Imran Khan speech in massive jalsa in Faisalabad !!

    How is he siding with TTP etc. All he says is that the solution won't come from conflict but dialogue. We need to get out of the US's war. More conflict hurts more innocent individuals in the tribal areas hence more recruitment for TTP etc. Dialogue & development is the answer.
  18. p4kistan

    Imran Khan speech in massive jalsa in Faisalabad !!

    Maybe because he talks sense. KPK is having considerable development & progress compared to previous administrations. Punjab political entities always travel with protocol I.e. Convoy of 50+ cars in a province with little terrorism. Whereas KPK mpas don't have such protocol in a province with...
  19. p4kistan

    Pakistan: Christian Man Beaten Taking Two Extra Days Off After Easter

    If you're with them why don't you cross the border & fight this so called oppression. Oh I forgot you're another keyboard warrior. You talk the talk but can't do the walk, no cojones like the rest of your nation.
  20. p4kistan

    Saudi Arabia mulls trade sanctions against The Netherlands

    What does a Bharti punk like you know about ground realities. Punks like you & wilders can't accept the fact that we are taking over. Sunni Muslims aren't doing well? We've people at the highest echelons of almost all industries, we control some industries and it's just getting bigger boy. Just...
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