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  1. Plexyre

    China Hong Kong SAR: News and Images

    For the internet warriors talking about nuking HK, well how about putting some of that enthusiasm into addressing the root of the social conflicts between HK and the mainland instead of acting like loose cannons? Just a thought :lol: It's not like the independence movement will get anywhere...
  2. Plexyre

    Eric Schmidt: China is the most dangerous superpower on Earth.

    At the moment China has in place restrictions on FDI and on foreign competition in domestic markets. Addressing these issues, as well as others, will help in rebalancing the economy and transition to a (relatively) more consumer-oriented one. They've already taken steps to ease some...
  3. Plexyre

    South Korea Defence Forum

    Gratz to SK, they're getting there. Next step is to build an indigenous rocket :victory:
  4. Plexyre

    Claims of some North Korean starving individuals are eating own kids

    Hardly. The prospects of North Korea collapsing, as well as millions of North Korean refugees crossing into China in order to go to a third country and get asylum to the South is a very real prospect, and has been the foremost concern of the PRC government. In fact it has even been a subject...
  5. Plexyre

    Claims of some North Korean starving individuals are eating own kids

    Hope you don't mind the late response. There was the Six-party talks, hosted by China, with the end goal of reaching a peace treaty to replace the truce to formally end the Korean War, among other things. However the talks have stalled since 2009, and have not resumed since. In any case North...
  6. Plexyre

    Claims of some North Korean starving individuals are eating own kids

    Pardon my going off-topic for a bit but...here we go again with the 'you guys' statement. A certain JayAtl already got served for saying that to me. I speak for no one else but myself, and vice-versa, unless explicitly stated. However, that does not make facts any less valid, facts which you...
  7. Plexyre

    Claims of some North Korean starving individuals are eating own kids

    Looking at at objectively every nation in the Six-party talks shares blame for the current plight of ordinary North Koreans, because each member could help improve the situation considerably in a constructive way, but choose not to, from North Korea not making substantial reforms to the other 5...
  8. Plexyre

    What should China do if NKorea tests another nuke?

    The 2010 Wikileaks debacle regarding North Korea seems to have been conveniently forgotten / overlooked, so I'll help jolt some memories. It is a common misconception that China holds a lot of leverage over North Korea, when in reality the only real leverage they hold basically consists of...
  9. Plexyre

    Diaoyu Islands News and Updates

    I have to admit, the PRC submitting the Diaoyu claim to the U.N. comes as a surprise, considering some of their other territorial disputes (though that's a story for another topic). The U.N. is planning to consider the case in the summer (around 6 months from now). Why not? Please elaborate...
  10. Plexyre

    Connecticut School District on Lockdown Following Shooting Report

    R.I.P to those who died...the way he killed the kids and adults was nothing short of inhuman. With shootings like this and Tucson and Aurora, guns were a part of the problem, but they are not the root cause. It's not as if they just happened to find some firearms while walking down the road...
  11. Plexyre

    Knife attack at Chinese school wounds 22 children!

    People who perpetuate in crimes such as this are the scum of the earth, no matter who they are and where they are from. Children should be able to go to school without having to fear for their lives and safety from some armed madman.
  12. Plexyre

    December 21 .. You are all gonna DiE

    If it happens, then it happens...only...I better hurry up and finish my Assassin's Creed 3 achievements before the world ends :cheesy:
  13. Plexyre

    U.S Presidential Elections

    Voted at noon during lunch break. No hard feelings for whoever wins or which party takes control of Congress :) Time to get ready for 2014 and 2016 elections, political and media pundits are already talking about it (at least give us a month's break from the politics) :hitwall:
  14. Plexyre

    How to hard sell China's soft power

    While it's true that Japanese and Korean languages are not Sinitic, they are Sinoxenic, a lot of the vocabulary is similar. Yeah I know, it must hurt for you to know the truth :lol: Sino-Xenic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia :rolleyes: Now where did you get that idea? Japanese language...
  15. Plexyre

    Japan’s population slide set to accelerate

    Good observation, though it's not necessarily a bad thing that the world population will naturally decline in the far future as more and more baby boomers die of old age. Barring any apocalypse, it's likely that the world population will hit its peak then decline until it eventually levels off...
  16. Plexyre

    'Frankenstorm' bears down on US east coast

    It seems the worst of the storm has passed, the real work now is the cleanup and restoring power to cities. The initial response from authorities has been good so far, hopefully they'll keep at it.
  17. Plexyre

    Japan’s population slide set to accelerate

    The aging population / low fertility rate (below replacement rate) is not limited to Japan; it is happening for most industrialized countries. Only difference is Japan only accepts a low number of immigrants annually unlike other western countries where immigration is high in comparison. I...
  18. Plexyre

    Will China adopt 'Singapore model'?

    The Singapore model is indeed admirable, even CPC officials have looked at it frequently. It should be noted, however, that no other country could ever hope to adopt Singapore's unique model in its entirety and succeed; many aspects are tailored specifically for the country's conditions, such...
  19. Plexyre

    Pres. Obama vs Gov. Romney Final Debate

    On the surface it looks like Obama won the debate. Looking deeper however, I get the feeling Romney got what he wanted out of this debate, which was less about attacking Obama and more about making his case to the undecided voters. May the worse man lose the election :P
  20. Plexyre

    Eve-teasers in India team raise a stink in China

    Using a tabloid as a source :lol: I've read better entertainment from The Onion.
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