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  1. East Asia United

    India ranks lowest in basic money mgmt skills

    Get ready for Indian response... China, Pakistan, blah blah blah
  2. East Asia United

    China versus India - a thorough analysis

    Post reported for what? Are you really that dim-witted? You are off-topic again. Post reported.
  3. East Asia United

    Govt measures are HOPELESS, I am not optimistic on India: Jim Rogers

    I will report your behind if you don't stick to the topic on MY thread. Presenting evidence that someone in China has been groped before is nothing compared to the dozens of cases that pop up every day in the international media. Even Jim Rogers has his wife groped. It seems like 90-99% of the...
  4. East Asia United

    Chinese breakthrough in shrinking IC technology

    You country is right there, tied with South Korea (even though it's population is tiny compared to China). What does that say about your stupid country? Kind of like your inbred Vietnam butt, huh gambit? I served in the military, I just happen to be an expert in this exact thing we are...
  5. East Asia United

    Govt measures are HOPELESS, I am not optimistic on India: Jim Rogers

    I wasn't referring to China. Someone brings up India, you bring up a random country... how stupid. And who said that in a country of 1.4 billion people not a single incident of any crime has happened before?? It's not a common thing like in India.
  6. East Asia United

    China provokes India again, its troops enter Arunachal Pradesh and camp for

    I LOVE how Indians are excusing the Chinese actions to save face. :rofl:
  7. East Asia United

    Safest Car In The History Of Cars

    Indian proud of American engineering... Awesome.
  8. East Asia United

    China versus India - a thorough analysis

    ******* Indians, you turned yet another thread into a troll thread with your useless minds. If you can't focus on the topic either leave or have your post reported.
  9. East Asia United

    Over half of all Indians without electricity

    Typical dim-witted Indian. No wonder your economy is collapsing. That is not Southern China. No one labels the Tibet Province as "Southern China", and indeed the person I was replying to used the words "Tibet AND Southern China" so you are actually refuting what he is saying. Do you know what...
  10. East Asia United

    Economic crisis in India 2013 | ALL Updates & News

    Amazing. There have been more India articles on this page than any other day in PDF history I think. India is truly collapsing. I can't believe it!
  11. East Asia United

    China less than enthusiastic to Indian proposal on water issue

    I heard from an FSO that their politicians are more incompetent and corrupt than Afghan politicians. The best thing to do is just bribe them to benefit your side during the negotiations. It always works. They always do it. India is not even a real country.
  12. East Asia United

    I was Raped in China (An American's Perspective)

    :what: ....... :rofl: :rofl: Shut up and go home. Using the word racism doesn't illicit a surprised and defensive reaction from me. I don't think your 'fellow conservatives' even want you in their country. Isn't a huge part of the movement to restrict non-Whites from entering the country...
  13. East Asia United

    I was Raped in China (An American's Perspective)

    You can't be a conservative, salt-of-the-Earth American; they won't allow you to. I've seen your types before, usually from the Philippines, though there are quite a few Vietnamese. It's sad that you've led such a wasteful life, but it's not to late to go back home and help your countrymen...
  14. East Asia United

    India on the brink of its own financial crisis

    Stupid... these are very rare cases. For example, Woman Poops On Side Of New Mexico House (VIDEO)
  15. East Asia United

    I was Raped in China (An American's Perspective)

    It has been predominantly JayAtl; most others have not been causing issues. He needs to be perma-banned or else you might lose significant user base. He has filled the world forums with rape threads. It's becoming useless to come to the world forums now. Good... goooood.... progress is being...
  16. East Asia United

    I was Raped in China (An American's Perspective)

    Bro, just report post and then link mods. Do it every time. If he is not banned, we can all move to sino defence forum to have an actual constructive debate on world affairs and Sino/Pakistani/European/American/Gang-rapist defence news.
  17. East Asia United

    I was Raped in China (An American's Perspective)

    Look up a few studies. Indians have smaller pricks than East Asians. You have one of the smallest sizes in the world, even lower than us.
  18. East Asia United

    I was Raped in China (An American's Perspective)

    Don't worry, you aren't included in that category.
  19. East Asia United

    I was Raped in China (An American's Perspective)

    We should just increase the number of members at sino defence forum then.... If defence.pk can't clean up the trash then they could end up losing hundreds of active members.
  20. East Asia United

    India on the brink of its own financial crisis

    Oh wow, children... while Indian families get together and sh!t in the back yard.
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