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  1. X

    60 years ago: Vietnam remembers

    good pictures.respect to those who died for their country. I like history and some old things by the way. HO CHI MINH. Do you know he share the same surname with our former president HU jin tao,Both are 胡
  2. X

    Chinese Missiles News & Discussions

    I find some sources,using DF-31:CSS-9 DF-41:CSS-X-10 Missiles of the World | Missile ThreatMissile Threat Chinese BaiDu encyclopedia "ICBM" http://baike.baidu.com/view/481437.htm and some using DF31:CSS-10 DF-31 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia also your thread:cheers...
  3. X

    Japan, faced with rising China, shifts its strategy

    I doubt it no one country good,no one bad,just for interests.As far as I know,Viet Nam is very depend on China,Viet Nam also important for China. not 'learn',Their constitution was written on the print paper by MacArthur. 'article 9' is very famous,you can find similar article in the...
  4. X

    Japan, faced with rising China, shifts its strategy

    did you read the words on the picture? 'revise the constitution ,get nuclear weapons,defend our territory' let me explain to you what is it means. Japan's constitution ARTICLE 9. Aspiring sincerely to an international peace based on justice and order, the Japanese people forever renounce war...
  5. X

    China's 'Right to Speak'

    I'm sorry for my poor English,You can reply in English. @jhungary 1.地域和方&#35328...
  6. X

    China blocks NY Times as Wen Jiabao $2.7 billion fortune is reported

    for me, I don't like Communist Party,and hate corruption. I don't waste time to read your article.I don't think hu and wen will corruption,they don't need. Nov 8th(after 10 days),The18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China will be held in Beijing,after the meeting,XI jinpin,Li...
  7. X

    Stop giving millions in aid to countries like China and India: Kofi Annan

    India need the money,I read this article minutes ago.rediff news The alarming picture of poverty in India - Rediff.com Business
  8. X

    Why does China support Syria's Assad?

    Invaded?For what? because vietnam signed a treaty with Soviet union and Rental Cam Ranh Bay to the Soviet Union in 1978, invaded Cambodia in 1979.
  9. X

    Why does China support Syria's Assad?

    It's a Chinese website about oil import of China. ????_?? In 2010,largest oil import country is Saudi Arabia 18.6%, NO.2,Angola 16.5% NO.3,Iran 8.9% Oman, Iraq ,Kuwait,6.6%,6.1%,4.1% As far as I know,All middle east country are Chinese friend,Saudi Arabia,Iran,Turkey, Israel.Iraq and Egypt
  10. X

    China’s Agony of Defeat

    English is still your official language,Your soul is conquered,The slaves still wearing chains. We commemorate the National Day and National Humiliation Day,So wo become one of five rulers in the world since 1945,and you still live in the shadow of china,It's never change. It's our different
  11. X

    Why does China support Syria's Assad?

    2011,trade with Syria is 3 billion,less than 0.1% of China foreign trade. if rebels control the Syria,I think they still import products from China. You live in west,So I can't blame you.
  12. X

    China Space Military:Recon, Satcom, Navi, ASAT/BMD, Orbital Vehicle, SLV, etc.

    six crew from Russia,France,Italy and China. Mars experiment crew return to 'earth' - RUSSIA - FRANCE 24
  13. X

    China Space Military:Recon, Satcom, Navi, ASAT/BMD, Orbital Vehicle, SLV, etc.

    As far as I know, shenzhou spacecraft program:1992~(test live-support,space walk,docking,etc.shenzhou-1~9 launched in 1999~2012) tiangong program:?~2016:(test-bed module for space station,tiangong-1~3 launched in 2011,2013,2015) space station:2016~2020(60t.one Core Modul,two Experiment...
  14. X

    'Wealth bloodletting' as no. of China billionaires falls

    I think he is Korean. 受挫的国家自豪感通常表现就是这样的憎恨,所以应该是含国人&#12290...
  15. X

    Washington, Seoul agree SKorean missiles' range increases to 800km

    I think you don't know,According to the treaty,once in the war,Korea'army is not commanded by their government ,but USA South Korea's foreign trade with China=USA+japan
  16. X

    India aborts a human Moon mission

    your gslv mk3 payload is 10ton LEO. Comparison of orbital launch systems - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  17. X

    For S. Korean men, makeup a foundation for success

    I don't like KOREAN .Most of Chinese people look down upon Korean, especially men, because in the Chinese culture, the most disgusting thing is sissy man............
  18. X

    Do you have any questions about China?

    video,if u can read chinese or japanese , 日中两千年汉字的交流-日本汉语的形成.中文字幕 [NHK]
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