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  1. G

    Load Shedding India Vs Pakistan

    @gslv mk3 Like they say, ignorance is bliss. Check it out - The Ugly Indian That one wide road has 100 small counterparts. As I said, unlike you I have been to both India and Pakistan. Our per capita income is mostly the same. But you shouldn't measure per capita income in India as...
  2. G

    Load Shedding India Vs Pakistan

    @KRAIT India has a vbrant culture and millions of people. Western people like seeing the naievety of Indians, and to see who they once ruled. On top of that they want to see the Taj Mahal, and the disguting conditions in India
  3. G

    Load Shedding India Vs Pakistan

    ^^ Unlike you, I have been both to India and Pakistan. Sweden tourists have even said Pakistan is moreclean than India. I have noticed that Pakistan's roads are much wider and cleaner than India's, I have also noticed not much men in Pakistan whistle at girls, compared to India. I have also...
  4. G

    Bangladesh starts monitoring mosques, madrasas

    And we are happy we are infested with tribalism. They are the real warriors. If US invades Pakistan, tribals will not allow it, but if India or USA invades BD, you're pretty much screwed.
  5. G

    Tamil chat

    ^^ I'm Gujarati... My parents are from Eastern Sindh, we speak Gujarati and Sindhi
  6. G

    Tamil chat

    ^^ I'm Gujurati... My parents are from Eastern Sindh, we speak Gujurati and Sindhi
  7. G

    Tamil chat

    @vsdoc -.- ........... Don't troll
  8. G

    Load Shedding India Vs Pakistan

    kumar, Pakistan still has won more matches than India... Admit it bro.
  9. G

    Load Shedding India Vs Pakistan

    ,kumar Pakistan has won more matches than India.
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    Pakistani village yearns for India visit

    What? Why does every petty news get reported? What would Manmohan Singh do? He has trouble providing for his own citizens how will he provide for Pakistanis?
  11. G

    Baloch insurgency faces uncertain future

    ^^ India can't do anything in Balochistan, as their public is ruled by sardars and tribes... All the tribes in Balochistan are loyal to the Pakistani govt in order for them to survive, as they already saw what happened to the Bugti tribe. And that's the end of it. When a terrorist group is...
  12. G

    Load Shedding India Vs Pakistan

    Pakistan has less electricity problems then India as a whole, but all of Pakistani public is affected by loadshedding and such, while in some spots India has 24/7 electricity and in some, no electricity.
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