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  1. I

    Recite OHM when you need help from GOD.

    With due respect to all those who does not agree with me. I find many threads those are not related with defence subject. It is always very difficult for people to digest new research. In 1969 when Man touched the moon many people refused to accept that reality. OHM is one of the beej mantra...
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    Recite OHM when you need help from GOD.

    saiyan0321 God has so many names that no one can count them. Please read the Holy Qur'an with open eyes. Allah say " Al-Ham do-Lel-La-Hey-Rabil-Ah-Lameen"
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    Recite OHM when you need help from GOD.

    Dear shahzadasweet Muslim scholars are not doing there research works as it is required. Holy Quran is last Holy book but before the quran there 3 Holy Book and many scared scripts were given to the prophets. OHM is the name of God. God has given his names to his Beloved prophets so that they...
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    Recite OHM when you need help from GOD.

    Dear Ashlay please do your research. Regards
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    Recite OHM when you need help from GOD.

    Dear ashlay Yes, being a Muslim we can recite Ohm. Allah is the name of the creator. As we believe in 99 names there are more than 99 names of Allah. And these name are written in many Islamic books.
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    Recite OHM when you need help from GOD.

    Dear Rajaraja Chola Many years back my views were the same OHM is a sacred mantra of hindus. But after a long research I found that this is a name of GOD the creator of the universe. Only the creator of the universe has the power to change the Present and future.
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    Recite OHM when you need help from GOD.

    Sir, it took me many years of research. Being a Muslim it was very very difficult for me to find the secret of this Sacred name. I can only request that please recite ohm when you need help from GOD. This word is consisting on three words Alif - Vaow - Meem every alphabet has his meanings.
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    Recite OHM when you need help from GOD.

    OHM consist of three words. Alif - Vaow - Meem .
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    Recite OHM when you need help from GOD.

    OHM is name of GOD. not the sound of the universe.
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    Recite OHM when you need help from GOD.

    Because Allah say in Qur'an call him by his good name. Muslims are not aware about the reality of this name.
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    Recite OHM when you need help from GOD.

    OHM is a sacred Name of GOD - ALLAH. This sacred name is written in old scriptures some 8000 years old. Try it if you don't believe.
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