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  1. 2

    China’s J-25 ‘Ghost Bird’ Stealth Fighter Better than US F-22

    These projects do not exist. All these reports (and many more) came from a report on WantChimaTimes posted december last year. Please some mod delete this fake news. Can't post the link cause my post count too low lol.
  2. 2

    China Space Military:Recon, Satcom, Navi, ASAT/BMD, Orbital Vehicle, SLV, etc.

    You just qualified for the best troll post on a certain forum Edit: Gratz
  3. 2

    China All Su-35 news

    Is someone keeping track of how many times the Russians are "selling" us-35 to us?
  4. 2

    China's 5th Gen. Carrier-based Fighter

    Guys it is obvious this is not real... just read the paper itself..
  5. 2

    China's 5th Gen. Carrier-based Fighter

    Hmm I remember seeing this picture pop up before and was decided that it was just someone having fun making CGIs. Looking at the language used in the paper also suggests that this is just a prank.
  6. 2

    China All Su-35 news

    when will these fake su-35 crap stop coming out...
  7. 2

    Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

    thats because it is, even says CG on the bottom right of the first pic
  8. 2

    China All Su-35 news

    Oh my god not again.
  9. 2

    Public survey shows Hong Kong hates Philippines, Japan the most

    You're very racist. Nice try.
  10. 2

    Hong Kongese invite Dalai Lama to Hong Kong!?

    Commemoration of fallen victims does not equal a desire to topple the Beijing government. I myself have participated in these rallies and i have no desire to usher a change of government or separate from the mainland. I simply want Beijing to acknowledge the incident and apologize.
  11. 2

    Taiwan can respond to assassination of unarmed fisherman by the Philippines

    Don't kid anyone, you flips would kill for a chance to work in country like Taiwan, compared to the pathetic excuse of a country you call philippines. philippines economy is nothing compared to Taiwan and you know it.
  12. 2

    The future of Russia China military cooperation

    That reminds me, we have not heard anything about the Su-35 deal, what happened to it? Did it actually go through or is just like all the same as russia's past claims?
  13. 2

    China developed YJ18

    Do you have a source for this?
  14. 2

    China All Su-35 news

    Let's all stay calm people, no need to get overly agitated. Me personally, I am waiting for responses or statements from the Chinese Ministry of Defense as there seems to conflicting reports about the authenticity of the deal. What I'm seeing is just news reports sourcing each other which can...
  15. 2

    China starts "combat ready" patrols in disputed seas

    Come on no need to spam Navy pics. Were only talking about Vietnam and PH here, this is overkill.
  16. 2

    Hong Kong Tops U.S. as Most Competitive Nation

    Nice to see my home city doing well
  17. 2

    China says it has spent $6 billion on human spaceflight

    Lol Asians keep doing the V-sign for photos. Even for space.
  18. 2

    HongKongers were More Happy under British than Chinese

    Sure bro, continue spouting **** you don't know crap about "I don't know what I'm talking about, so I'll just throw insults, maybe that will help me"
  19. 2

    HongKongers were More Happy under British than Chinese

    ] Funny how you keep labeling us with slave mentality, when people like you would jump to defend your colonial masters. People said they were better off in life because events like "the Asian financial crisis, a flu epidemic, a SARS crisis and the global financial tsunami. did not occur prior...
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