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  1. Dillinger

    Why did the people of Mosul welcome ISIS?

    Of course, IF only the people of Mosul or Tikrit had just asked these fellows to leave, asked them VERY VERY nicely that is, this whole issue would have been resolved, after all they (the people) have a choice in all of this.o_O Even in our country there are folks who are getting winded up to...
  2. Dillinger

    A crime against yourself

    The greatest crime one can perpetrate is to either be ugly or be a prude who attempts to enforce his/her juvenile prudishness (born out of some sexual deficit) upon others..OR WORSE..BOTH! Sheesh, no premarital sex, so what was school supposed to be all about, homework?
  3. Dillinger

    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    Yes it did, see they were unhappy because the congress was sitting on legislation regarding the liability clauses for the nuclear deal and FDI BUT they were also content because while it was difficult to get the Congress to do anything in their favor even if it were actually mutually beneficial...
  4. Dillinger

    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    While I think Delhi and Maharashtra will indeed see BJP/NDA administrations soon, don't go by their projections, lets be very clear they were more than happy to see the Congress in 09 and would have preferred them wrt certain issues even in this election, that nifty list of theirs' of leaders...
  5. Dillinger

    India stolen Bangladesh intellectual rights over traditional Jamdani Sari

    Oh no, this has nothing to do with any communal sentiments, that would be nigh impossible for a nastik like me. This has plenty to do with the indigenous culture, a goodly portion of the BD posters here are on record stating that they draw their cultural inclinations form the middle east as...
  6. Dillinger

    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    That is true, he had a point about that, he did miss one thing though, even though he's right that joint sittings of the two houses cannot be used every time the govt. had made it rather clear that they would indeed be calling said joint sittings far more often. On the other hand the GST issue...
  7. Dillinger

    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    You really don't want Baldy's recommendations coming online, now to be fair he is bound to represent American interests within the applicable context, but lets take up an issue like FDI in retail and none other than Subramaniam Swami himself (the patron saint for MAXIMUM liberalization in India...
  8. Dillinger

    India stolen Bangladesh intellectual rights over traditional Jamdani Sari

    That would require cognizance of how international commerce operates, I can just see the Jamaatis pouring over related international regulations..NOT!
  9. Dillinger

    India stolen Bangladesh intellectual rights over traditional Jamdani Sari

    Or jone chinta korish na, kono comprehension er problem hole o amake line authwa word er mane ta jiggesh korte pare.:p: Tussi tension na lo, I am going easy lest impact occurs between head and wall with fatal results, warna sab das de dilli ne mar ditan.:disagree:
  10. Dillinger

    The Jewish Question: A Problem without a Solution

    Jew-jutsu all the way!8-)
  11. Dillinger

    India stolen Bangladesh intellectual rights over traditional Jamdani Sari

    I think we need to remind poor @idune of his own oft repeated assertion.. Bangladesh's only relevant history begins and ends with Islam, it exists as a result of the advent of Islam in the region which is today encompassed by Bangladesh, it must continue to exist only for Islam, it must make...
  12. Dillinger

    Caravan of jihadists coming from Afghanistan to liberate Kashmir: Al-Qaida

    Lal topi had been fuming about Modi the "darinda" ensuring that this would be the "akhri saal" for Pakistan. Perhaps he has decided to become proactive, fling himself on to his white charger and ride to glorious martyrdom.:p:
  13. Dillinger

    India May Restart Vehicle Program

    If inducted it will have to conform to whichever camo scheme the IA specifies. IF the Kestrel does indeed prove itself in subsequent trials then the issue wrt the long awaited induction of "troop taxis" will perhaps be resolved.
  14. Dillinger

    We may strike Iraq jihadists, ally with foe Iran, US says

    True, the fight won't stop there and nor will the bloodshed, I am not addressing the larger problem I am simply stating that ISIL itself can be rooted out with a concentrated campaign. After that the bloodbath will continue but it will shift in the favor of the Iraqi and Iranian forces, people...
  15. Dillinger

    We may strike Iraq jihadists, ally with foe Iran, US says

    Indeed, only difference being that with sustained air cover from the Americans any regrouping within Iraq itself will be impossible, after that its a matter of holding the borders and minimizing infiltration. It can be done, the cost will be huge, is Iran and the US willing to pay it?
  16. Dillinger

    We may strike Iraq jihadists, ally with foe Iran, US says

    So you think, look into the Ayatollah's eyes young one, look into those pools of absolute bleakness and the void shall swallow you. They (ISIL) are violent yes, brutal and barbaric, the Iraqi forces probably didn't know what hit them BUT the Iranians were willing to let their college students...
  17. Dillinger

    We may strike Iraq jihadists, ally with foe Iran, US says

    It depends upon the numbers, if Iran is willing to be generous with its outlay then an adequate number of Hezzis and other such Iranian fundoos can pretty much rout this particular group of fundoos.
  18. Dillinger

    Iraqis return to Mosul and find lower prices, restored services and more

    EVIL! I likes!8-) @Armstrong come along, we have work to do.
  19. Dillinger

    We may strike Iraq jihadists, ally with foe Iran, US says

    You should know the answer to that, you can't kill an entrenched enemy as a whole through airstrikes, much like the Afghan taliban they will eat the casualties while fleeing across the borders so as to regroup and continue their work. Iran is willing to accept the huge attrition that would occur...
  20. Dillinger

    Iraqis return to Mosul and find lower prices, restored services and more

    A thought to ponder upon, oh well once the deed is done the world will be too busy gaping in dreadful awe and we can make good our escape, its not as if we're going to flash our faces all over before we get down to it.
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