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  1. Caine

    US Apologizes to Pakistan For Salala Attack

    2 Key points 1. Stress on the fact that mistakes were made on both sides that lead to Salala incident 2. America is sorry for loss of life - basically a regret statement and not an Apology. Though enough for the Pakistani govt to spin some face save 3. No change in tariff being charged by...
  2. Caine

    Acts of Terrorism in Pakistan

    Bloody hell.. This is the 2nd attack today. I think there was a news about 4 army men killed in an IED attack earlier.. I do not understand the paralysis on the part of Pakistani government and military.
  3. Caine

    Acts of Terrorism in Pakistan

    Sounds like a plan.. Is Pakistan Army going to propose this to ISAF ? Has that already been done ? What has been the response?
  4. Caine

    Afghans flee shelling from Pakistan: official, witnesses

    Why do you folks always jump on the assumption of a military invasion. Invading a Nuclear power and that too a democracy is a recipe for the worst kind of disaster. And the relationship between USA and Pakistan is far from it. There are many ways to achieve what I said. Pakistan forces will play...
  5. Caine

    Acts of Terrorism in Pakistan

    Buddy.. Not blaming Pakistani establishment for this. Just pointing out that the culture of extreme cruelty towards the enemy has achieved a celebratory status in the region and is considered award worthy and not reprehensible I am sure ISAF and NATO would be happy to lend a hand if Pakistan...
  6. Caine

    Acts of Terrorism in Pakistan

    I am pretty sure there were news items of mutilated bodies being handed over to Indian Army during Kargil episode. May be one of the Indian members can clarify this more. And wasn't the video of Daniel Pearl's beheading directed in Pakistan as well.? All I am trying to say is that this extreme...
  7. Caine

    Acts of Terrorism in Pakistan

    Could be. But I am sure a lot of these uneducated and disconnected terrorists never got to hear or see the disclaimer. And there have been other incidents where decapitated bodies of Indian soldiers were returned by militants who occupied the peaks of Kargil who later turned out to be Pakistani...
  8. Caine

    Acts of Terrorism in Pakistan

    Angry troops are worse than Demoralized troops. Specially if they are operating in their own country.
  9. Caine

    Acts of Terrorism in Pakistan

    May your brave ones rest in peace.. Your question on how much brainwashed one needs to be is an interesting one. Its the mindset that is inculcated in these terrorists that results in such incidents. It wasnt too long back when there was a news about President Musharraf rewarding an LeT...
  10. Caine

    Afghans flee shelling from Pakistan: official, witnesses

    Thats a bogus argument perpetrated by terrorist sympathizers. By your definition, 9/11 should have created 30000 terrorist suicide bombers..Get real mate. Either clean up your backyard of snakes, or we will. The only thing is that if we will, it will cost your civilian population much more than...
  11. Caine

    India, US and Saudi Arabia: The 'new' great game!

    What's with all the talks of Proxies? Looks like some Pakistani members here are so used to Pakistan's proxy relationship with Taliban that they have forgotten that in International Diplomacy, nations with similar objectives try and align their efforts and strategies.
  12. Caine

    India, US and Saudi Arabia: The 'new' great game!

    Never going to happen.. To messy and costly. In case of Pakistan, containment is much better than correction. Over a period of time, the folly of using militants for asymmetric power projection will become visible to the establishment.
  13. Caine

    Debate this : Obama fears Pakistan’s disintegration

    And where are these discussions of Pakistani invasion originating from? Mostly Pakistani sources. Right? And again, pray, tell me.. How is Pakistan making partially successful nuclear strikes against Israel as a dying gesture of a country of 220 million in anyway shaft USA? For some hawks in...
  14. Caine

    Afghans flee shelling from Pakistan: official, witnesses

    And what was that? Cultivate terrorists ? How does that help with sanctions? Mate, there have been multiple admissions by our administration about the mistakes of 1980's, but that certainly does not give Pakistan a blank check to indulge in activities that result in American deaths in...
  15. Caine

    Afghans flee shelling from Pakistan: official, witnesses

    Were you expecting us to transport all the Afghani and Pakistani fighters to North America :lol: ?? There is a concept of context buddy. 25 years have gone past since the Reagan made the comment. Till 5 years back, Pakistan was a trusted Non NATO ally. Today its probably the biggest headache...
  16. Caine

    Afghans flee shelling from Pakistan: official, witnesses

    Dude, every country has its own respected founding fathers. Its shows intellectual bankruptcy on your part to stoop so low so as to insult the American ones to bolster your argument. Anyway, @topic, I dont mean 1980's. That actually went very well.. I mean more about the 1st half of the last...
  17. Caine

    Afghans flee shelling from Pakistan: official, witnesses

    we have tried it with Pakistan before. Didnt go too well. There is a line that goes.. If you want something done well, do it your
  18. Caine

    Afghans flee shelling from Pakistan: official, witnesses

    We aren't going anywhere mate. Pakistan, like a good ally, should make peace with that.. The sonner the better :)
  19. Caine

    Debate this : Obama fears Pakistan’s disintegration

    Surely you jest.. Unless you want to take out tens of thousands of your Palestinian Muslim brothers along with Tel aviv as a part of your testosterone induced boast of attacking Israel. Kind of a bad trade too.. Killing a million jews at the cost of 180 million Pakistani Muslims :)
  20. Caine

    Afghans flee shelling from Pakistan: official, witnesses

    Thats not what last few pages reflect.. But anyway, you are entitled to your opinion as am I.. :) I agree with Karan.1970 here. Terrorists, where ever they are need to be targeted. There are some civilian deaths that take place, but thats acceptable collateral damage, as not killing the...
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