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  1. S

    Why Pakistani think Indians as Baniya people ?

    its amazing how all places have different references for indians. Here in London we just shorten Indian to Blacky.........
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    Sikhs in Britain oppose meat plant near gurudwara

    Having sat here for a few minutes and considered this predicament in detail, I think it important for this to happen: The Halal meat company in question should approach the local authority and complain that their application and future plans are being scuppered by the lack of hygiene emanating...
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    Hysterical India, Mature Pakistan

    edit.....(im)mature. Advice.....read and correct your sentence before adding emoticons depicting laughter else the jokes on you - as is the case here. The slave masters wouldn't be happy with such poor use of their mother tongue by an indian ;)
  4. S

    India Extremists protest burned Pakistan Jews

    What a bunch of dirty animals! they can't even get the star right! hahahahahaha! ....... the indian IQ level (or lack of) is well documented so I think Bangladesh might be slightly concerned incase they are confused as being Pakistan.... :yay:
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    War is Coming | Amidst escalating tensions, Pakistan weighs its options

    Yeeeeeeeeehaw!!!!!!! its time we go huntin' boys! time to catch me some injuns!!! yeeeeehaaaawwww!!!! :pakistan:
  6. S

    Retaliation against Pakistan is warranted

    little indian boy: mummy mummy.....Pakistani bwoy came and gib me hard bi*ch slap on my phace.... it hurt mummy! it real hurt! I cry.... vaat i can do for rewenge? Mummy: bayta, its ok - you too weak, frail and little smelly to fight Pakistani bwoy - only possibility if you bring your 1.2...
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    Pakistan protests mob attack on its mission in India

    Its the time the indians either put up or shut up about these 5 indian terrorists just killed in IOK. I'm sick of this silly bollywood drama being played out in the indian media purely for the purpose for political point scoring. As for the threats coming from certain indian military and...
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    Pakistan protests mob attack on its mission in India

    Doesn't Pakistan have armed military units based at the Pakistan Embassy where they can shoot and drop like flies these violent protesters who are trying to break in?
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    Indian Army post ambushed along LoC, casualties feared

    your fancifully embellished rants have so far been amusing but this last one was just plain gay.....:coffee:
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    Indian Army post ambushed along LoC, casualties feared

    The topic of discussion is not the ills that Pakistan is suffering internally; rather the events that transpired this morning and its associated connotations, implications and prevention for future. Hint: Beg the Kashmiris for forgiveness for your brutality and crimes against humanity and...
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    Indian Army post ambushed along LoC, casualties feared

    I know...i'm not a great fan of pot but I have no choice since your mama stopped selling me crack.... :kiss3:
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    Indian Army post ambushed along LoC, casualties feared

    Good boy, nothing like a good compliant indian. I knew you'd see sense sooner or later. I will however challenge you in the courage of your convictions and dare you to go to Kashmir, walk the streets at night and proclaim what you stated below and come back in one piece. (Our Kashmir will...
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    Indian Army post ambushed along LoC, casualties feared

    Please refrain from confusing further the well documented "low IQ" brains of your fellow indians. Let me clarify the lies of which you speak indian: 1) The men dying this morning were not martyrs nor can be defined as such as their sole purpose was to terrorize and propagate terrorism against...
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    Indian Army post ambushed along LoC, casualties feared

    The prelude to an ambush suggests there must have been an invasion; first the Chinese and now the Pakistanis. How embarrassing this must all be for the indians. Being invaded left, right and centre......:azn: As for throwing imaginary numbers that you gleaned from your "highly respectable" media...
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    Indian Army post ambushed along LoC, casualties feared

    They can't be doing a commendable job in their duty to protect Kashmir from us if they are dead - now can they? As for the use of the word martyr; IOK must be the only place in the world I guess where an oppressor/terrorist soldier is killed, all the while being detested and vilified in life...
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    Indian Army post ambushed along LoC, casualties feared

    Perhaps English is not your first language and hence your lack of command with the former. Let me expand: The IA solder in question was/is stationed in indian illegally occupied Kashmir where his primary role is to subject the population to oppressive and heinous acts. Thus by definition he is...
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    Indian Army post ambushed along LoC, casualties feared

    Apparently a 6th indian terrorist hid behind a bush to save his life while 5 of his pals were sent to their maker - will this survivor not be court marshalled for showing cowardice?
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    Chinese PLA stops Indian Army from patrolling in Ladakh sector

    I don't see how there can be war as the indian army has a new found passion which they prefer to fighting......and that is to turn towards the advancing Chinese soldiers and then to turn around, drop their pants and bend over and squeal like little piggys......weeeeeeeeeeen!!!!.............:bounce:
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    India: Army 'mistook planets for spy drones'

    All your UAVs and all your planes are always in the "testing phase" and never make it past that phase possibly.......mmmm.......maybe because they are c r a p? ever think of that? :bounce: Anyhow, lets keep to the topic of this thread which is all about how stupid and dumb the indian soldiers...
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    India: Army 'mistook planets for spy drones'

    Damn these Chinese with their "border intruding planets"! :lol: This has to be the funniest thing I have ever read on this forum! I too was discussing this with colleagues at work earlier and apart from us all ridiculing the indians for being a bunch of bafoons; it dawned on everyone that...
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