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    3 Missing After China Rams Vietnam Boat

    i for one, welcome the rise of a powerful India. The world needs a powerful India. That being said, if you do a quick google search, you can find tons of news article concerning fishing disputes. And as I have said before, this wouldnt be the first time chinese fisherman committed murder on...
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    3 Missing After China Rams Vietnam Boat

    the way i see it, you defend sinochallenger. that tells me all that i need to know about your intellectual level.
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    3 Missing After China Rams Vietnam Boat

    thank you sinochallenger. you have again reconfirmed my suspicion that China is an enemy is entirely correct. you should know sinochallenger, that nuclear weapons technology is more than 65 years old. With modern computers it really isnt too hard to make them. I guess it is pretty self...
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    3 Missing After China Rams Vietnam Boat

    in my life, i have never met a dumb singaporean. it is sad to say, that it appears Singapore is not an exception of lacking stupid people.
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    3 Missing After China Rams Vietnam Boat

    i will pitch my two cents on this on going fishing dispute. but first, we got to talk about the scale that is China. let's say about 1% of human population are dumb sociopaths. that means that in China there are much more than 10 million dumb sociopaths in China. If CCP rounded up all her...
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    Pakistan’s Impending Defeat in Afghanistan

    i have a question for pakistanis. what do ordinary pakistani people think is the best outcome for Pakistan in regard to what is happening in Afghanistan? it appears they share a long border and all that crap keep overflowing into Pakistan. would ordinary Pakistanis rather see a peace treaty...
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    Iran threatens to stop imports from South Korea over oil halt

    i hope you are right thomas, but until US starts to pump out that alaskan oil, korea will be in tough situation. of course, as much as korea wants to maintain friendly relations with countries like Iran, American alliance becomes even more important in a world where chinese guns are pointing at...
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    South Korea stop all oil imports from Iran next month

    korean, yes i say clueless things. i concede that. but dont you think countries in war time conditions tend to get better at waging war as war progresses? do you really think the chinese will continue the same pickett's charge after 200,000 die? are they really that dumb? i wish i could...
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    South Korea stop all oil imports from Iran next month

    korean, your problem is that you think every Korean thinks like you. and if you encounter someone who doesnt think like you, you think he is a false flager. well, i think you are a false flagger. because you do a pretty good job inciting everyone on this board to hate south korea. perhaps...
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    South Korea stop all oil imports from Iran next month

    korean, i wish you would change your ID. because you give korean people a bad name. just like sinochallenfer or whatever that guys name is give china a bad name. you must be deluded if you think s. korea can take China solo. those chinese have so many people in that country, they can just...
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    South Korea stop all oil imports from Iran next month

    like i said before, s. korea cannot match the combined might of n. korea and people's republic of china. few years ago, if i saw some korean kid post on the internet that China was S korea's enemy, i would have told him to STFU and stop being a troll. that was then and this is now. When N...
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    South Korea stop all oil imports from Iran next month

    erdogan, there are actually a lot of people who would agree with you in Korea. of course, i disagree, but i am biased as i am korean american and believe a strnghtened korean american alliance is good for them and good for thr world. those koreans who agree with you in korea are generally...
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    South Korea stop all oil imports from Iran next month

    hmmm... my two pennies worrh of opinion on this as korean american. as any Iranian here would know, S Korean Iranian relations is actually friendly. South Korea is heavily dependent on Mideastern oil and Iranians are happy to sell it cheap. S Korea must sell something to Iran to buy this...
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    Disturbing Images Emerge as New China Clashes with Old China : Dog Eating

    speaking of strange animals that we humans eat, a friend of my who grew up in Africa told me of his experience eating strange food. one day his village was running wild with camels that were just running around unattended. The story goes that a bunch of arab traders came from the north, but...
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    Disturbing Images Emerge as New China Clashes with Old China : Dog Eating

    as a korean, i always wonder how the chinese cook their dogs. we make it in spicy stew. we eat a special breed called noorongee, but i hear that the chinese breed chow was eaten. but i wonder how they do it now. i hadnt a chance to eat dog yet, but my dad says it tastes like sheep.
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    Korea conducts a firepower demo drill

    ok, lets stop the flaming for a second and actually talk about those trucks. japan, us, and s. korea are furious that chinese are selling high tech weapons systems to north korea. but chinese governments official stance is that thats just a normal truck and without any fancy mechanism to kae...
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    Top 5 Asian Football Teams

    in order to build a team that can compete against the best teams of europe, s america, and africa, change has to ocurr from youth level all the way into the domestic professional league... which is why i wrote before that building a good football team is like planting a fruit bearing tree...
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    Taiwan lets Koreans enter Taiwan visa-free, but not mainlanders from China

    well, let me make it real simple. when the per capita GDP shoots up to the level of south korea, then you too will start putting up VISA restrictions on other poorer countries. Korea is a small country. if we didnt have these VISA, we will become a province of China or Pakistan Far East...
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    Japan takes a first step toward nuclear armament.

    h,mmm... it will take me a while for me to digest your thoughts on geopolitics... i will have to get back to you with ny thoughts on it, but may take me a while to go through the entire threads... the thing about Iran is that most Iranians seem like just normal ordinary people. but what...
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    4 Missing After China Vessel Rams Philippines Fishing Boat

    hahaha. sinochallenger, you got quite a chip on your shoulder. it must feel really good when you start thinking, "a chinese man made the gunpowder. a chinese man made the paper. a chinese man made the compass. and china is getting rich! even though im a poor miserable loser who made no...
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