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  1. K

    U.S. economy heading straight for the cliff

    SEE. This is one of the guys I was talking about in post #22. He JUST DOESN'T GET IT. But that's O.K. The U.S. will pull out of this little tailspin, like we ALWAYS do. And our 'friend' who wishes us ill will shall remain ....... in Pakistan. I think for him that is punishment enough.:usflag:
  2. K

    U.S. economy heading straight for the cliff

    What our nay-saying 'friends' don't understand is if the U.S. WERE to 'go under', their countries economies would tank, also. Especially one's that depend on our handouts. Look at what happened when small GREECE threatened to default. And Spain now. The markets slumped big time. People crapped...
  3. K

    Pakistan has developed smartest nuclear tactical devices

    Ask your Mom, Sonny.:bunny: Speaking of a 'false flag' heads, here's the KING !! So what's with 'you guys' and 'false flag' ops.
  4. K

    Pakistan has developed smartest nuclear tactical devices

    Hate to break this to you guys but the U.S. put a nuke in a 155mm artillery shell back in the '50s. Pretty small. And another thing, what is it with 'you guys' and 'false flag' stuff ? You just LOVE it !! Everything is a 'false flag' op to you people.:usflag:
  5. K

    American's Brain Drain

    Don't you just LOVE guys like this ? ALWAYS quick to tell the West they suck but trip over themselves to get there. Isn't there a word for that ?
  6. K

    Confirmed: US and Israel created Stuxnet, lost control of it

    The U.S. gets attacked HUNDREDS of times a day and we don't cry to the U.N. We take care of ourselves.:usflag: ...or hack into the warheads and drop them all on YOUR HOUSE ?!! COOL, MAN !!:woot:
  7. K

    Confirmed: US and Israel created Stuxnet, lost control of it

    I wonder what kind of stuff we loaded into Irans computers with the RQ-170 Trojan Horse.:usflag::rofl: China ? Russia ? Iran ?...
  8. K

    Confirmed: US and Israel created Stuxnet, lost control of it

    The U.S. IS TARGETED hundreds of times a day. What's going to happen, will Iran shut down my PlayStation ? That's gonna hurt.:rofl:
  9. K

    US ready to act on Syria outside UN?

    WRONG, douchebag !! Six million, and he had help, he didn't do it ALL by himself. Again... It is Big Foot doing the killing.:taz:
  10. K


    You live in the land of the kuffar. What's up with that ? Sellout ? Do you believe in Big Foot and the Loch Ness Monster, too ? I LOVE 'those people' !!
  11. K


    Museum piece is ALL it is for you guys because looking at it is ALL you can do with it. You BARELY know what it is.:wave:
  12. K


    NICE !! Those ships are some pretty cool museum pieces.:tup:
  13. K


    OH BOY !! We have 'ONE OF THOSE' in the house !!!:girl_wacko: (crazy female canine emoticon)
  14. K


    Is a FANTASY 20 tons, like yours, heavier than a REALITY 20 tons or are they the same ? :rofl: Yeah, you're right. We NEVER did ANYTHING in space. We don't even know where it is. Not like the genius Iranians and their wooden satellite.
  15. K


    We've been in the 'space business' for about 5o years, chief. Even private companies in the U.S. can orbit a payload. YOU'RE the ones who are stuck in the atmosphere and are jealously trying to catch up. GOOD LUCK. HAHAHAHA !!:bunny:
  16. K


    Not quite, try FOUR MONTHS. You export crude, ONLY. And if the U.S. or Israel HAS TO bomb Iran, it won't be anything like the little bit that Iraq did. You'd better find a car that runs on B.S. because that'll be the ONLY THING in Iran in abundance.:bunny: Iran Gasoline Imports Fall as...
  17. K

    Iran engages in provocation with UAE: Guards chief visits disputed Gulf lnd

    Exactly correct ! Iran is using the 'NORTH KOREAN PLAYBOOK'.:bunny:
  18. K

    American Torture Method: Songs of War

    The U.S. made some 'clean' the death camps they built. The Soviets just killed them.:usflag:
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