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  1. BoXilai

    Leio's PLA military photos (kinds of military equipments)

    Look like a bee fly out from its hive.
  2. BoXilai

    Why is China trying to bully its neighbors?

    Edited with Photoshop. :police:
  3. BoXilai

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    They're mobile coffins, not toys. Vietnam you should bury and replace them before it's too late.
  4. BoXilai

    South China Sea Forum

    Chinese and Vietnamese members here does not accepts opinions of each others so all of you will argue until The Sun becomes a blackhole without a consent. Do not use historical evidences here, they have not any effect!:haha: "Do more,talk less。" - @cirr
  5. BoXilai

    Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

    My solution: Using "iron hand" to stop terorism and using policies to improve economy, education,... and reduce the cultural gap.
  6. BoXilai

    China 2nd oil rig on the way to XiSha /Paracel islands water

    I think these oil rigs are more useful than carriers.
  7. BoXilai

    New HK textbook describes Filipinos as ‘domestic helper’

    You have to know that in East Asian countries, people always thinks their nations are superior races. Most of them disdains people in poor countries or have black skin (even just close to black). Only HK made a book like this but it does not means other EA countries are different from HK. They...
  8. BoXilai

    What should China buy with its $3.9 trillion reserves?

    I have the same political view with you. Socialism is so silly. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need". It is absurd! The social order must be depends on intellect and diligence.
  9. BoXilai

    Vietnam Defence Forum

    I think you can use them in military training only. In modern warfare, Su-100 an T54, T55,... are just mobile coffins. If you want to prepare for a war in future, you must replace them by better weapons as soon as possible.
  10. BoXilai

    China building in SCS islands

    That's a bloody historical period. I remember a poem with two sentences: "出門無所見,白骨蔽平原". "春秋战国" taught me many good morals so I like it.
  11. BoXilai

    China building in SCS islands

    So hard to explain with you but I'm not pretending a pig to eat meat of a tiger. Lol. I have not a political intention behind discussion in this forum.
  12. BoXilai

    China building in SCS islands

    I have already owned "Sun Tzu art of war and 36 tactics", "72 tactics of Gui Guz (鬼谷子)". I have many books of Chinese culture and Asian culture history. The most favorite book of mine in this field is The Four Books (四書). Chinese historical figure I like best is Xinling Jun (信陵君). I always...
  13. BoXilai

    China building in SCS islands

    In fact, people who has read Chinese books of tactics can understand China's actions. - In 1974, CN used "趁火打劫" to took Paracel Islands when Vietnam engulfed in a civil war. - In 1979, CN used "圍魏救趙" to helped Khmer Rouge (But I think you did not successfully). - In 1988, CN used "遠交近攻" to took...
  14. BoXilai

    China building in SCS islands

    "明修栈道,暗度陈仓". When people focus on HD-981, Chinese did many things more than what they can imagine. :agree:
  15. BoXilai

    Japan fans clear up litter after opening defeat to Ivory Coast

    Their behavior in public places is a model for all people in the world.
  16. BoXilai

    Japan fans clear up litter after opening defeat to Ivory Coast

    Let consider the problem objectively. I prefer Chinese culture to Japan culture at this point. **** movies technology and same-sex marriage in communist countries are signs of the collapse. For Japanese fans, they have a high living standard and great sense of community. Their action is not...
  17. BoXilai

    Malaysia splits with Asean on China Sea threat

    Don't be surprised! They can share out with the bandits because fire has not yet spread to their house. Some other ones in ASEAN has the same opinion with them when play with China, I know.
  18. BoXilai

    History of Vietnam or What do you want to know about Vietnam?

    You're one of 4 Vietnamese who living in NK??? No, you're just a Chinese troll. :butcher: Ng
  19. BoXilai

    South China Sea Forum

    Your eyes may be too small.
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