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  1. punnu83

    Khalistan Thrives.

    Khalistan when happen will happen, we will deal with it. Try save your country from another 1971. India's relations with Balochistan is increasing every day. :partay:
  2. punnu83

    Jaspal Bhatti no more.

  3. punnu83

    Ambala to station first squadron of MMRCA fighters

    You are right when we are comparing two airforces capabilities in near future, pakistan tend to forget that in next 5 to 10 years India will be operating 2 or 3 floating airbases around. This capability is nearly impossible to match for pakistan provided given resources
  4. punnu83

    Ambala to station first squadron of MMRCA fighters

    I think you guys are missing one big thing here is Indian navy. Once it will have total superiority in pakistani waters than what effect it will have on land and air warfare.
  5. punnu83

    Ambala to station first squadron of MMRCA fighters

    Not a lot of 2 corps support but 2 corps one of the three strike corps is here. That itself is scary firepower especially with the recent changes and inductions and near future inductions. And on top of that it has a huge presence of airforce base here aswell which will be more lethal in next...
  6. punnu83

    Ambala to station first squadron of MMRCA fighters

    I have seen ambala base many times. It is reffered as ambala cantt. It's a size of a small town on it's own. It has its own full blown railway station. Considering this you can take a guess how much amount of firepower it has stored in it. :azn:
  7. punnu83

    Ambala to station first squadron of MMRCA fighters

    Haaaa Laughed my a** out
  8. punnu83

    Want some locomotives?

    it's the thing you gonna sit in soon to travel around your country.
  9. punnu83

    The Carrier Dilemma: How Many is Enough?

    At least 7 i agree with
  10. punnu83

    The Carrier Dilemma: How Many is Enough?

    At least 7 i agree with
  11. punnu83

    Rs 25k cr Tejas won’t be ready before 2015

    Why so much of crying about it I cannot understand sometimes about this plane. Even if it will come from 2015 or 2016 it will still be better than mig 21's. And our home grown stuff. We can produce it in huge numbers with continous improvements like MK2. So people who are saying this is a waste...
  12. punnu83

    How about Tata, Mahindra, Bajaj, TVS in Pakistan?

    which **** can match this
  13. punnu83

    How about Tata, Mahindra, Bajaj, TVS in Pakistan?

    true as i own 350cc enfield. :D
  14. punnu83

    India turns down US plans to counter China

    Yeah right ! Am using one of your finished products for last two days and am gonna throw in the rubbish bin. China is growing by exploiting their population which is called cheap labour. Confronting us will send both countries back to stone age my dear over confident chink monkey.
  15. punnu83

    India and US to find remains of WWII in Arunachal Pradesh

    This is pathetic thinking. Why we are f***ing worried about what china think. If you recognize AP as an Indian state than to hell with china. This is our land. When we gonna start acting like a power that we say we are ?
  16. punnu83

    How long can Pak sustain a war?

    How many bombs you think is enough for pakistan 5,10. that is more than enough. how many are enough for india and china my friend to bring them down to their knees. THINK about it than talk
  17. punnu83

    “In five years, India will be superpower in missile technology”

    Superpower or not a superpower but we are heading towards a major power status none the less. Every country around us should and has to understand this reality. For my chinese friend here, china can be powerful but not powerful enough and can never be.
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