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  1. D

    Future of Pakistans water once India blocks all routes?

    Pakistan would simply surrender and accept defeat from the new upcoming superpower. Just like 1971.:)
  2. D

    Do you agree? India will crash and burn?

    aahah.... This guy is funny. Most dates in the article are wrong and i see the iq of the writer.
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    ( pakistan india) who truly befits

    Nop I dont want peace btw India and Pakistan. I just want status quo. Who benefits?? Until a few years back only west benefitted from India and Pak relations. But now things are changing. Pakistan today is 100% dependent on foreign Parts even nuts and bolts. Its aid from america is over...
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    First Tata-made Sikorsky S-92 helicopter airframe flies

    awsome. Tata flying high.
  5. D

    India heading for Mars, doesn't need British aid money

    Well this is the first time, British have accepted that aid has simply no impact on Indian decisions. This is like a nail in the coffin. British have been conveyed a strong message.
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    India heading for Mars, doesn't need British aid money

    London : India, which has announced it will send a space probe to Mars, is now a country with more technological prowess than Britain and the "best and most beautiful spoken English in the world" is now heard in India, the Telegraph said Friday. In an article titled "India is heading for...
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    India heading for Mars, doesn't need British aid money

    London : India, which has announced it will send a space probe to Mars, is now a country with more technological prowess than Britain and the "best and most beautiful spoken English in the world" is now heard in India, the Telegraph said Friday. In an article titled "India is heading for...
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    India upset over prime plot in Colombo being sold to China

    what the hell lankans??? Do guys want to go down the Indian ocean???? Better return Indian land to India.
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    India preparing for a major war with Pakistan!

    Well even though I am indian, I have to agree that raw might have some involvement in these attacks. Intelligence agencies are naughty and dont need any permission from govt to undertake such attacks. But My dear Pakistanis dont forget mumbai 2008, Indian parliament and 100s other attacks in...
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    India receives its first EMB-145 AEW&C aircraft

    @Safriz so what do u imply by saying that drdo radar is similiar to erieye?? India copied it??
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    India's Mars mission sparks another UK aid row

    good thing is that the brits know their aukkaattt. check out this video. Aid Charade: UK wants 'peanuts' back - YouTube they can shout, scream and cry, All India gives is a middle finger salute.
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    India's Mars mission sparks another UK aid row

    Loll that diamond was found in our land, and if brits wanted it they could copy the diamond. Copying wont take the diamond away from India. But they instead snatched it from us. We build turbines but dont steal american turbines to run indian plants. I hope u get the logic.
  13. D

    India's Mars mission sparks another UK aid row

    yes i agree they do conquer lands. powerfull exploits the weak and feeble. Thats exactly what we will do to britain in 30 yrs from now.
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    India's Mars mission sparks another UK aid row

    No matter what they do, they cant change history nor the future. India will regain its place in the world. Britain will be shown its true place. What will a country of 65 million do infront of 1.7 billion.:lol: Our prestigious artfacts will be back to home. This union jack will go down the...
  15. D

    India's Mars mission sparks another UK aid row

    we dont put ur engines and electronics in our museums, loll.. We pay u to buy them. Anyways dude, as i said there will be a day in a few decades, when this tiny island will return all Indian artifacts on its own. It really doesnt wanna face the rage of the tiger.
  16. D

    India's Mars mission sparks another UK aid row

    You crazy brits, just give us our diamond back and keep ur tiny aid. We dont need it. Just give us our precious artifacts back. Anyways we will take that diamond back one day or the other, better give it to us now.
  17. D

    India receives its first EMB-145 AEW&C aircraft

    Lol dude ur lack of knowledge makes u look funny. Anyways linking is not a problem. Drdo right now has 5 aesa radars ready to be integereated.
  18. D

    India receives its first EMB-145 AEW&C aircraft

    This is the first time that India is building AESA radar on its own. AESA is the most complex of all radars. How many such radars has Pak built?? Moreover the integeration is being done by Astra microwave not drdo. So u can expect much progress within a month or so.
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    The Most Dynamic Cities of 2025

    Lol i really dont think that Foreign policy is the right source to start a discussion. Such lists are published everyday by many organisations. China, brazil, india and indonesia get the most cities.
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    Infrastructure Development in Pakistan

    whether u compare quality or quantity, it wont matter sir. I have seen that thread like a month ago. those highways are good. But over all Pakistan is not well connected. Worse is that not much improvement is happening.
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