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  1. mb444

    Who will Win in a BD - Myanmar Naval War?

    Bangladesh is the second largest purchaser of Chinese weapons. China however has more investment in Burma. A war ain't happening between BD and Burma.... Should it happen Burmese would back down as it has happened always .... Burmese junta barely has control of its country.... They have a...
  2. mb444

    Bangladesh massively depends on India

    Regionalism in BD is the same as anywhere but no one claims region as an identity over and above country in any serious way.... BD is unusually homogeneous
  3. mb444

    Bangladesh massively depends on India

    effectively a traitor..... one who would put the interest of another country over their own..... pan-bian i believe in mandarin in terms of BD forum you have a core group of false flagging indian hindutva goons who promotes india
  4. mb444

    SUBMARINE PURCHASE: Dhaka finalises deals with Beijing

    My sources meant the trainer jet deal.... Not only the mig/sukoi deal. The nuclear power deal is also up in air..... Credit where its due BAL definitely knows how to spin an yarn.
  5. mb444

    US also won’t send election observers

    Good ...... BAL must not have any friend when they fall..... It would be easy to ban it forever under those circumstances
  6. mb444

    The Sydney Morning Herald: Bangladesh's future hangs in the balance

    BAL is isolated..... Their arrogance have lead then into a cul-de-sac that they can't get out. BAL is fighting for its existence.... I for one wish their misery to end in a whimper of irrelevance.
  7. mb444

    Awami League looted and laundered $13 billion from Bangladesh

    13bn perhaps an under estimate.....
  8. mb444

    Bangladesh Nationalist Forces Have Lost

    Friends yes..... But not supplicants. The restaurants started by BDs are called indian because of historical reasons.... When the first generation BDs arrived it was still British Raj era..... It has little relevance to the tread of the discussion
  9. mb444

    SUBMARINE PURCHASE: Dhaka finalises deals with Beijing

    I was speaking to an ex diplomat last week, despite news report to the contrary no actual contract has yet been signed with Russia. The only thing that has happened is an agreement to begin talking including the nuclear power plants. Apparently the French are making move to sell us nuclear...
  10. mb444

    Bangladesh Nationalist Forces Have Lost

    The nationalist forces are not defeated..... They would not be as long as BD has a Muslim majority. BAL scums whom I know a lot and some are even family has started to move money and family for the last 6 months and it's accelerated in the last few weeks. The are not sure if BKSHAL govt will...
  11. mb444

    New Bangladesh Airforce TVC "MUST WATCH"

    What a total cheesy pile of sh*t.....what's up with the lame American accent and embarrassing commentary ....... Am I the only one who cringed while watching this? Who came up with crap? Absolute garbage
  12. mb444

    Cost of UK Aircraft Carriers Passes £6 billion

    National prestige as well as to maintain its position in the world. UK may not have an empire anymore but it has military and economic interest around the globe. AC gives it option to project strength to backup its economic might and Geostrategic interests.
  13. mb444

    How Britian & Sir Winston Churchill Starved to Death 8 Million Indians

    Rice was purchased by the government often forcibly and hoarded. There was mini crop failure due to fungal infection as well storms/tidal waves etc. but these were minor in nature and should not have lead to any crisis. The hoarded stockpile of rice was purposefully prevented from reaching...
  14. mb444

    How Britian & Sir Winston Churchill Starved to Death 8 Million Indians

    This was a man made famine. There was no shortage of food. Food supply was on purpose cut in a methodical fashion.
  15. mb444

    How Britian & Sir Winston Churchill Starved to Death 8 Million Indians

    English is practically my primary language so there is no issue with comprehension. I fully see who and what you are.... glib out of context comment does not solidify your vacuous position.
  16. mb444

    How Britian & Sir Winston Churchill Starved to Death 8 Million Indians

    So you are presuming that millions killed was worth it.... Worth it for who? As the Millions killed were our people our perspective perhaps is different from yours..... Whether it's jap, British or German imperialism it is all the same to the victims. Then again such callous crap is part and...
  17. mb444

    16 people on things they couldn't believe about America until they moved here

    The great thing about US is it's people, they are very friendly. Most surprising thing is how lame their telephone and broadband network is outside the east and west coast metropolis Also food is great and portions unfeasibly large..... Absolutely nuts
  18. mb444

    How Britian & Sir Winston Churchill Starved to Death 8 Million Indians

    The Brits starved Bengal to create an effective dead zone between the japs in Burma and the rest of British India. It was a massive trauma to what was the effective rice bowl of the region. It was a holocaust that remains in the psyche of Bangladesh and West Bengal. This history should be...
  19. mb444

    Awami League's Strategy

    Yunus could be an unifying figuerehead that the opposition can rally around. KZ lacks personality. BAL second term would be even more disasterious than the last. Livelihood of the people are hardly safe under BAL. BNP initially I thought was playing a long game and biding its time. Now it...
  20. mb444

    Awami League's Strategy

    You are correct BNP does seem to pack a cohesive strategy. They are just reacting to events rather than controlling it. BNP should not agree to the election and should not join it. They can ask ppl not to vote. In the election if the percentage of participants falls below 30% the election...
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