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  1. Khorasanian

    Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

    The voice of Hazaras and their anti-Pashtun sentiments Kabul Press | Afghanistan Press | کابل پرس | افغانستان پرس In fact everyone hate Pashtuns, even Panjabis. Every neighbour of...
  2. Khorasanian

    Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

    Can you prove me wrong? Just because you know your Sulaimankhel history it does not make you to an expert. Read some history of ''your'' Afghanistan.
  3. Khorasanian

    Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

    Like 4Millione Pashtuns who fled 5 weeks before the war against soviets started? :D COWARDICES .. don´t worry Malang Jee, Kabul will be the capital of KHORASAN and clean from enemies and dirts like you. 2014 will be the show-down. Don´t think Pak´s army and logistic or and Saudis and thousand...
  4. Khorasanian

    Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

    LOL have you seen Russian soldiers fighting against Pakistan´s army? What are you talking? **** army on the contrary were there in Afghanistan. Russians were brought by Pashtuns, as well as Brits, Arabs, Panjabis to Afghanistan... etc. Your fake Pakistani ISI version of facts do not count and is...
  5. Khorasanian

    Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

    That is a joke, right? Who pushed devision and destruction, murdering and thugs in Afghanistan? .......PAKISTAN AND SAUDIS!
  6. Khorasanian

    Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

    Therefore OBL was supported and hosted in Pakistan? Mullah Omar is hosted in Pakistan? Therefore Pakistan uses Taliban (sorry, I mean the good Taliban lol ) against Afghanistan? Therefore Zia-Ul-Haq Wahabi style is forced on Afghanistan to keep Afghanistan weak? Well, no matter what a Malang her...
  7. Khorasanian

    Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

    The ordinery Tajik would never have such an anti-Pakistan sentiment! Mostly these people represents Pashtuns, majority of Pashtuns in Afghanistan! This group hate Pakistan and call Pakistan even as illigitimate because ''half'' of Pakistan is Pashtun land. I also question myself why they call...
  8. Khorasanian

    Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

    You live in a country where minorities like Kurds are oppressed and nearly 2mio Armenians lost their lifes and you want to compare Turkey with Afghanistan? If you do not know anything about Afghanistan and it´s people, keep on the backstage or at least follow the news of Turkmen, Uzbek and...
  9. Khorasanian

    Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

    What is wrong having islamic bombs? Pakistan and Iran have them, too... so Saudi-Arabia. Inshallah we will have it, too.
  10. Khorasanian

    Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

    Alienoz, the topic is not Turks or Persians. Everyone who wants to know about Turks and the cultures one can look on the net. Btw, ''Turkic alphabete'' was Sogdian (Iranian). @Malang Dude, I do not care what you try here to pretend or claim. Even if your fake Ahmad Jan would be a ''Tajik''...
  11. Khorasanian

    Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

    We Tajiks are not concerned on Pakistan as long Pakistan keep out it´s affair from ours. We neither want to support anyone agiant anyone nor we want to be forced to support anyone against anyone. Earlier I mentioned we Tajiks want also an ''islamic bomb'' for ourself to defend ourself against...
  12. Khorasanian

    Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

    http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/14/opinion/kabul-risks-political-meltdown.html?_r=1 "The South, except for a few big cities, will fall under Taliban control by 2014. Thus the country could split into a north and south." If in Afg really was something like Unity non-Pashtoon would have taken...
  13. Khorasanian

    Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

    listen to that Inside Story - Will US-Taliban talks achieve anything? - YouTube Unfortunately you can not understand Persian otherwise I would post you videos of our leaders and intellectuals to see and listen to the voice of our leaders and the non-Pashtun people.
  14. Khorasanian

    Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

    Hypocrisy games again and again... like the last 2 centuries.. when Karzai is among Americans he say you do a good job and they should kill more and when he is among Terrorists he says the same.. you are not different. That´s why you turned Afgh to a sh**thole of the world and the night bed for...
  15. Khorasanian

    Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

    Uzbeks like many other Turkic people havbe adoptet the Persian culture. Persianated dynasties like Mughals or Timurids were the results. Cultur and ethnicitiy are two different things. Pakistanis are culturally indo-Persians/Tajiks but ethnically different than Tajiks. Take some history lesson...
  16. Khorasanian

    Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

    It is not a secret that opponoents of traditional Pashtuns rearm and prepare themself for Taliban. The Taliban are the cause of devision nr. 1. Most Pashtuns want them and non-Pashtuns won´t. Very easy and understandable why Afghanistan will soon partitioned.
  17. Khorasanian

    Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

    ''The reason why the Taliban might accept such a settlement is that if they have any capacity for military analysis, they must know that even if they win in many more years of bloody battles, they would still not get much more than what I have outlined. In the face of US, Russian, and Indian...
  18. Khorasanian

    Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

    Afghan warlords prepare to rearm as Taliban arrive for peace talks in Kabul - Telegraph Ultra-federalism for Central Asian states Vision of a State: Ultra-Federalism in Afghanistan | Progressive Policy Institute
  19. Khorasanian

    Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

    Typical Pashtun lies.. bla bla bla Hazars, Tajiks and Uzbeks are culturally Persian, Hazaras and Tajiks are linguistical Persian and all three share a common history (Timurid, Mughals ...etc).. Go to a Hazara and tell him your lies and see what he will do with you. You may find yourself within...
  20. Khorasanian

    Pakistan - Khorasanian (Tajik) relationship

    Afghanistan is a state of minorities. Pashtuns are as well a minority. Non-Pashtuns outnumber Pashtuns absolutely. Just take the language case. 35% speak Pashto while more than 65% speak Farsi.
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