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  1. USAHawk785

    Far-right National Front wins EU vote in France

    Good to hear this, Vive La France ! True.
  2. USAHawk785

    One word for your Country ..

    The United States of America: SUPREME United States of America: PREEMINENT
  3. USAHawk785

    Will war break out between China and Vietnam ?

    It is unlikely that it will.
  4. USAHawk785

    U.S. unlikely to back down on Taiwan issue

    @gambit , It is rather unfortunate that prejudice is still rampant in some societies. I don't want to go of topic, but the medical guy within me can't help but explore the psychological intricacies of cultural racism. I mean, there are some behaviorist specialists that I know of currently doing...
  5. USAHawk785

    Large number of Chinese troops seen heading for China-Vietnam border

    Griff, I would also like to add that it was invetible that East and West Pakistan were to be divided. The human rights abuses that Bengalis were subject to Pakistani military forces were paramount. The partition of the two states was necessary, in my honest opinion.
  6. USAHawk785

    US charges 5 Chinese officials in cyberspying case

    Ah, just another Tit for Tat. 8-)
  7. USAHawk785

    U.S. unlikely to back down on Taiwan issue

    @Pakistanisage , The preservation of Taiwan's independence is a major itinerary of the US Navy's Pacific Commmand, in conjunction with the defense of Japan and South Korea. During the 1995-1996 and 2000 Taiwan Strait Crisis, the Navy deployed 2 carrier battle groups into the region, testament...
  8. USAHawk785

    Large number of Chinese troops seen heading for China-Vietnam border

    Mere sabre rattling , nothing more.
  9. USAHawk785

    Thailand - Army declares martial law

    This is nothing new considering how the Thai Armed Forces is seen as not just a hand of the Government, but also the de-facto protector of Thai Society. Albeit it has a more conservative position, leaning towards the monarchy's interests. Let's see if the Red Shirts will acquiesce to this...
  10. USAHawk785

    The Great Game Changer: Belt and Road Intiative (BRI; OBOR)

    Quid pro quo duo gemens.
  11. USAHawk785

    Pakistani-American Doctor Among Top Recipients of US Medicare Payments

    Please don't lecture me, I am a practicing physician in the United States.
  12. USAHawk785

    Pakistani-American Doctor Among Top Recipients of US Medicare Payments

    Incorrect. Medicare is not Medicaid. And Medicare patients are routinely serviced by physicians.
  13. USAHawk785

    France: far-right National Front victory in a record number of towns

    Na You're being delusional and histrionic again. Please, @vostok , don't forget to take the Haloperidol and Valproic Acid today.
  14. USAHawk785

    Why is Japan building up its Navy?

    Reclaiming its past glory. The gold old days of the Nihon Kaigun !
  15. USAHawk785

    Istanbul is The Worlds Best Destination according to Trip Advisor

    @ghara ghan , taking responsibility for one's actions is a sign of maturity and a trait worthy of sincere respect.
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