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  1. V

    Why cant males join ASC/EME/ORD?

    For the first time I hear that males are prohibited to join that kind of army as I have read from Defence Now every male can join the army but of course in case if his medical card can prove that he is healthy man.
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    Australian Defence Career Help.

    Strange topic of the thread!
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    Information required regarding ICTO

    Shall we stop all these horror right now? Why are we waiting.
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    Pakistan Navy Questions Thread

    Yes the role of all these people at war is very convincing and lots of people just try to escape by getting here.
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    Yom Kippur War 1973: The Egyptian Revenge

    It is hard to stay normal in such cruel world, according to such short screens.
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    Pakistan: On the streets

    So many poor people are living in this country that sometimes it is hard to take it...
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