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  1. A

    China All Su-35 news

    Stop post FAKE news here! Su35 is a good bird, but China didn't interested about it. Russia want to sold Su-35 to india, that's the reason to make up this story.
  2. A

    p 17 & type 052c comparison

    P17 & 054A have similar Radar systems. Propulsion system, P17 is better due to 2 LM2500. Anti-submarine, P17 has 2 helicopters and 054A has only one. But 054A is able to lanuch Anti-submarine missile. Air-defence system, 054A is better because the 32 units VLS. Generally speaking, those...
  3. A

    p 17 & type 052c comparison

    It's not the same level competitors. P17 VS 054A should be more reasonable.
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