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  1. Egyptian Greek

    Germany plans its biggest military contract ever...12 submarines for ...

    it really doesn't matter , our subs force is shit .. and 2 german type subs are down graded .. i hope we go for kilo.
  2. Egyptian Greek

    King Abdullah has passed away - PDF extends its condolences to the Saudi people

    to make him feel the taste of being a king before he dies too
  3. Egyptian Greek

    King Abdullah has passed away - PDF extends its condolences to the Saudi people

    of the real shit .. we haven't seen anything yet , all what going on in middle east is just a piece of what gonna happen , south yemen today declared independence , syria , iraq and Libya war destroyed them , Palestine Lebanon in big chaos .. Egypt suffering in Sinai and western borders ...
  4. Egyptian Greek

    King Abdullah has passed away - PDF extends its condolences to the Saudi people

    and beginning of the end starts .. wars of middle east , dying of the saudi king .
  5. Egyptian Greek

    Arab military entities top forces

    re-read my comment .. if you wanna indicate that Algeria has better experience , you are wrong ..
  6. Egyptian Greek

    Arab military entities top forces

    one more thing , the best country in Mountains warfare and desert is Morocco (and they have many experience from Sahara war and helping Saudi forces during 2009 houthien war) .. that's the only thing i give credit for .. the Moroccan special forces .. but in general , they still puppets too ...
  7. Egyptian Greek

    Arab military entities top forces

    Egypt better , Saudia Better , Pakistan Better BLA BLA BLA .. all of them are western puppets.
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