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  1. R

    How Islamicised is the Pakistan army?

    Once again unless your mentally challenged, this time i hope you can understand what the sentence still means if you cant then i am truly worried about you. So im sure you can understand what the sentence means and reply accordingly instead of looking for spelling mistakes you should really try...
  2. R

    How Islamicised is the Pakistan army?

    brother the only confusion he has caused is how low his IQ is. He goes around in circles with his arguements and conveniently ignores the barbaric acts of the taliban. Just a hypocrite who doesnt understand the suffering or has no worries because neither him or his family relatives are in any...
  3. R

    How Islamicised is the Pakistan army?

    What a sensible and rational man you must be. One misplaced word and you disregard what the persons trying to say. I dont blame you this sort of jahiliat is common among the taliban and its suppourters. What you have failed to understand and perhaps never will that pashtoons are their own...
  4. R

    How Islamicised is the Pakistan army?

    the single most important part of ur post this contentious objector doesnt understand how u feel when the blood in ur veins runs dry when something happens. He is delusional and believes these guys are some sort of pure beings. They are criminals do u know who these people were before half of...
  5. R

    Suicide Blast In Muzaffarabad

    until the government itself comes out with some real evidence this will continue is there a need though when it seems that hopefully if waziristan goes well they can be cleared and Indias proxy if its proven would have been humiliated
  6. R

    F35 for India, will this change the whole story

    stop saying we this and we that and we need to prepare for the worst while eagerly going on indian threads and making it more than obvious who u are. Just make it clear who you are atleast. This forum has had problems before with people claiming to be muslim and pakistani and so on
  7. R

    F35 for India, will this change the whole story

    What the hell does we mean MODS is this guy pretending to be pakistani because look through some of his posts and his identity becomes immediately clear. If its a typo or something like that then its fine but im sick of seeing indians pretending to be pakistanis on this forum or muslim.
  8. R

    Militant commander will support PA and US

    But these are militant commanders not tribals and so i wonder how they will react to government trying to establish tangible control over waziristan
  9. R

    Indian Army latest arms aquisition....

    Dont compare yourselves to americans. They are lightyears ahead of anything india has. If youd bothered to do some research youd be embarrased to know that pakistans own missiles are technically more advanced than north koreas so how did they help us build them:what:. More embarrasing for you...
  10. R

    Militant commander will support PA and US

    What is going to be done with these militants after operations where will they go and how can we be assured they will stand by while we build and rebuild girls schools and try to establish government writ.
  11. R

    The Pakistani Soldier

    Going to functions for these peoples and hearing their stories is not just hear say now is it. They are in the best position to tell us first hand whats going on. There are two types of taliban in swat now are they. How convienant for you when they do something unIslamic there is another...
  12. R

    Pakistan Army at its Best- A must see Video from Swat

    exactly its a very small minority because the rest of us are angry at the misery these people have been put through. I personally cant stand afghans talking about independant this and that pakhtoonistan. My question to them is why didnt u donate for ur pashtun brothers in swat instead u sent...
  13. R

    The Pakistani Soldier

    When the taliban first came in they wanted to help and they listened to peoples needs. The inaction by the government and the half hearted operations made the army isolated and the taliban were bought to power in the vacumn created by the previous govts stupidity. There are a lot of foriegners...
  14. R

    The Pakistani Soldier

    ok lets sit back and have it ur way lets stop all army operations and work for a peace deal oh wait we tried that. Do u have any idea wat these taliban are doing and what they have done in swat. What sort of a pashtun are u dont u care about the honour of our women and what these begharata arab...
  15. R

    The Pakistani Soldier

    is it bravery walking into a crowded market and blowing urself up or is brave to pull random people from their houses and cut their heads off. Dont sit behind a screen and degrade our troops. You cant justify what the taliban are doing ur not from the region and ur conviently in another country...
  16. R

    Mehsuds hedge bets as game on to isolate Baitullah

    What sort of blind trolling is this. They dont understand the basic principles of Islam. You cannot impose ur will on people let alone shoot and behead them for resisting it. Please instead of making a fool of urself post some links of them being pro TTP instead alot of people wanted peace as...
  17. R

    Mehsuds hedge bets as game on to isolate Baitullah

    sorry r u saying baitullah is a warrior? surely ur not because he is the biggest coward and shameless man. Pashtoons consider suicide bombings as cowardly and even when taliban first came to power they considered it cowardly until the unwanted arabic and wahabi influence thought of it being a...
  18. R

    Pakistani military facing tougher fight in northwest than reported

    I dont know why u would think pashtuns would desert the army when they are the troops that must feel like they are fighting for their own people. This argument was definately valid with the intial half hearted ops in waziristan way back in 2004 but with the horrors of the taliban and remember...
  19. R

    India can launch a short war in case of a Pak misadventure

    MODS this is utter rubbish and cant be allowed to degrade a thread which is having a good debate
  20. R

    MQM once again exposed by Asphan Yar Wali Khan(ANP Chief)

    ok but stop with the misleading thread titles:lol:
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