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  1. Raphael

    Report: Israel tells U.S. it would act to save Jordan from Islamists

    Report: Israel tells U.S. it would act to save Jordan from Islamists - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz Israeli diplomats have told their American counterparts that Israel would be prepared to take military action to save the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan if it came under attack by...
  2. Raphael

    What country in sub-saharan Africa will be a regional powerhouse?

    - Nigeria, by sheer population. They recently became the biggest economy on the continent, but their GDP/capita is nothing special - South Africa still has the best infrastructure. Johannesburg is the financial capital of Africa, although the African economy is very decentralized and rural...
  3. Raphael

    Vietnam Beats Rivals as Economy Braves China Storm

    Sounds like you're trying to apply Jungle Economics to non-jungle economies. Maybe you will finish negotiations for TPP, but EU and EEU are nowhere near completion. And TPP cements your status as a slave - that's the only reason it's proceeding so fast. So far, vociferous anti-TPP protests have...
  4. Raphael

    Hillary Clinton criticises Australia for "two-timing" America with China

    Hillary Clinton criticises Australia for two-timing America with China Former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has caned Australia for two-timing – becoming overly dependent on China as a trading partner while expecting Washington to defend from a Beijing that is becoming more...
  5. Raphael

    7 Signs China's Economy Is Headed For Collapse

    I think you actually mean: his grandma won't allow him to join ISIS.
  6. Raphael

    China launches study to build rail link to Pakistan via Azad Kashmir

    Joint project between DB and Russian Railways. So much for your theory about "3rd world banana republics" not being permitted into sensitive industries :). Anyway, I don't care who owns it - it only matters that it's operational.
  7. Raphael

    New Chinese Map shows AP as Part of India

    How is it a new map? Did we ever withdraw our claim to South Tibet?
  8. Raphael

    China launches study to build rail link to Pakistan via Azad Kashmir

    Why would you intrude onto foreign territory and try to sabotage important economic infrastructure like that? Be very clear: no one in the region is afraid of your warmongering. If you give us a valid casus belli like that, we will be delighted to take advantage of it and put you in your place.
  9. Raphael

    153 Indian refugees at risk as their boat leaks en-route to Australia.

    True. Australia was founded by British colonists who displaced and genocided the native veddoid Aborigines. But now the world has accepted that Australia is a legitimate country who can decide its own immigration and refugee policy.
  10. Raphael

    China launches study to build rail link to Pakistan via Azad Kashmir

    But it already happened: Yuxinou Railway - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Does it matter who actually owns the railway? The fact is it operates.
  11. Raphael

    153 Indian refugees at risk as their boat leaks en-route to Australia.

    These people are useless. They have no skills suitable for the Australian economy. If they arrive, they will live the rest of their lives on welfare and handouts. They are an enormous drain and burden on society. The Australian people hate them so much that they elected one of their most whack...
  12. Raphael

    7 Signs China's Economy Is Headed For Collapse

    More investment advice from the same nomad who predicted Germany's economy would collapse from the withdrawal of all kebab stands :rofl:.
  13. Raphael

    Mexican military chopper crosses the border, shoots at agents

    Mexican military chopper crosses the border, shoots at agents | KVOA.com | Tucson, Arizona TUCSON - News 4 Tucson has learned a Mexican military helicopter travelled across the border and fired on U.S. Border Patrol agents. It happened in the early morning hours Thursday, west of the San...
  14. Raphael

    Germany considers lifting 'Mein Kampf' ban

    Germany considers lifting 'Mein Kampf' ban | Europe | Worldbulletin News World Bulletin / News Desk Reprinting or selling Adolf Hitler's “Mein Kampf” is illegal in Germany, but with the copyright term on the 90-year-old book set to run out next year, lawmakers are mulling whether to ban or...
  15. Raphael

    India moves to set up industrial parks with China

    India moves to set up industrial parks with China| Reuters (Reuters) - India has moved a step closer to establishing industrial parks with China, the law minister said on Wednesday, as New Delhi looks to rebalance a $40 billion trade deficit with its northern neighbour. Ravi Shankar Prasad...
  16. Raphael

    Bangladesh woos China in snub to West

    Bangladesh woos China in snub to West - Features - Al Jazeera English Dhaka, Bangladesh - Strenuous efforts by Bangladesh to court China are being seen as a snub to the West after vocal criticism of elections that brought Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina into office earlier this year. Analysts say...
  17. Raphael

    China Prepared to Settle India Border Dispute, Wang Says

    Lol, don't worry, we know better than to take one poster's opinion as a proxy for an entire nation. If you ever solve your Kashmir dispute with India, we would be very happy for you too :cheers:.
  18. Raphael

    Korea's low birth rate could weaken its national defense capability

    Maybe is they force reunification with N. Korea, they can fix it with North Korean kids.
  19. Raphael

    China to host International Silk Road belt conference

    Good news. This is China's grand economic strategy for the 21st century. Two cross-Eurasian trade routes to link all relevant economies to ours and cement our economic primacy.
  20. Raphael

    Indonesia's Presidential Election 2014

    I know which candidate I prefer ;)
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