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  1. S

    If this isn’t Shia genocide, what is?

    That lanti group Lashkar e Jhangvi needs to be eliminated. Those lantis kill people who have committed no crime. I don't think Maulana Haq Nawaz Jhangvi ever authorized the wanton killing of random Shi'as. Niether did any of the leaders of the now banned group that was founded by him, Sipah e...
  2. S

    Religious Conflict in Pakistan

    We often hear of the Sunni Shi'a conflict in Pakistan ... but what about the divisions between the Sunni groups? The 3 major groups ... the Brailwees, Deobandis, and Ahl e Hadees (Wahhabis/Salafis/Najdis/Ghayr Muqallid) all claim to be from Ahle Sunnat. But the conflict between them is very...
  3. S

    Miss World: bikinis banned from 2013 contest in Indonesia

    Excellent decision from Indonesia Of course these bayghairat kaffirs and seculars will oppose this ... half of them are born out of wedlock anyway ... at least the western euro kaffirs
  4. S

    Is Pakistan preparing to get out of US war on terrorism

    Pakistan never shouldve entered this ****** war for ****** gaymerikkka
  5. S

    Death mandate: Mehsud sanctions polling day attacks

    these two inbreds need to be ripped to shreds they need to be tried for apostasy, treason, and terrorism
  6. S

    Afghanistan Pakistan War & US Response?

    this ****** will be smashed along with whatever ****** army he brings
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    Karzai urges Taliban to fight Pakistan

    this swine karzai will end up with his head on top of a pike
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    First Crusade : Discussion

    The Crusades: A 200 year long murderous campaign of death, destruction, bigotry, attempted genocide by the inferior continent of Europe against the Muslims of the near east. Ended in the complete humiliation of the assailants who pumped out army after army only to witness crushing and...
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    Women KIlling own babies now Pandemic in Europe and UK

    Typical of western euro infidels Then the old excuse of them being psychotic comes up ... when psychosis is the staple of western thinking and culture
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    Favorite anime? gather around anime fans ^^

    only anime worth watching is DBZ and Indian "hentai" fans ... nothing surprising there
  11. S

    5 Historic Events During Ramadan that Rocked the World

    The Battle of Badr is the most important and decisive battle in history
  12. S

    Ataturk's Legacy vs Caliphate and implications for Pakistan

    Don't try it bro Ataturd supporters also support the global euroamerican terror strikes on Muslim everywhere They also use the same rhetoric as the white man against the Muslims ... they will say how the Saudis fought against the Ottoman empire while at the same time support the dissolution of...
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    The Holocaust Lie.

    lol so you will just believe what has been repeated even though it may not be as concrete as you think it is
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    Ataturk's Legacy vs Caliphate and implications for Pakistan

    Hilarious that you can support a man who was able to defend his country yet submitted to the opponents rule and way of live while rejecting his own as inferior All "Ataturk" defenders believe that their own culture is inferior to the euro culture and way of life. They accept defeat like Ataturk...
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    US Mosque burned to ground

    a ****** porker committed this crime not surprising ...
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    who is the real terrorist ??

    the white man is the terrorist
  17. S

    Your favorite Muslim leader(s)

    The physicist?
  18. S

    Ataturk's Legacy vs Caliphate and implications for Pakistan

    He was able to defeat them in the battle field yet he still submitted to their values, beliefs, and culture Who does that? This man literally tried to ban Islam ... see what he did to Turkey after WW1 ... its you who needs to "brush up" on Ataturk and his history
  19. S

    Ataturk's Legacy vs Caliphate and implications for Pakistan

    Ataturk was a murtadd kaffir who fought for the Ottoman empire only to destroy it and submit to the ******, repugnant euro christian way of life He then brainwashed an entire nation into loving him
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