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    India shining or China? Investment plans say it all

    I can't understand why people compare India with China ? I mean, shouldn't China compare itself with USA ?
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    Six-year-old critical after rape

    sick of hearing such news in both India and pak, when will people stop being animals ?...... It's not about Pk or India , It's not about religion , Such acts happen a lot and are more common in countries like India , bangladesh , Pakistan etc cause a large population is poor, women to men ratio...
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    Shale gas sector gears up in China

    Some reports say China has more shale gas reserves than even US or Russia , good for China .
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    The Greatest Leader of all Time!

    Greatest Leader hmmm , I personally like these : Joan Of Arc, Alexander The Great,Augustus Caesar , Akbhar The Great , Ramesses II , Lincoln,Napolean, Catherine The great , Wu zietian , Oda Nobunaga , Samundragupta the great , Ashoka the great , Elizabeth I , Sejong .
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    India's Economic Recovery In Sight : Moody's

    Moody's is wrong so many times, who cares about Moody's anyways ? A few months back , or just a month or so back they were really bearish about the whole country and Indian markets , I can't take the brokerages or Rating agencies seriously ,Tough their saying have some weight but not exactly...
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    Micromax signs Hugh Jackman as brand ambassador

    Micromax should get listed honestly ...
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    Rupee hits 60.92 per dollar, highest in over two months

    Honestly i don't see anything good about it or about the markets rising despite a really bad economy and bad growth in all fronts . This is not because of growth, The main reason is : 1) Delay in Tapering from the Federal reserve , cheap liquidity and money . 2) Global Dollar weakness thanks...
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    Iranian Navy no match for US battle group - Russian military official

    duhhh US has 2000+ nukes , over 15 Aircraft carries, over 18,000 aircrafts , a 15 $ trillion economy , Iran just knows they won't attack it so it keeps spouting stupidity -_-
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    Tibet will be Free’ says a massive banner welcoming Xi to US.

    It won't happen , India has a huge military and world standing compared to Pakistan . India has more say in the world and India will become even bigger in the future . So if you think Kashmir will be free , your wrong , Secondly , I live in HP , the state below Kashmir , and I have more than...
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    Tibet will be Free’ says a massive banner welcoming Xi to US.

    Not a chance ..... -_- Tibet will never be free , Lets bet on it . China will never allow it . Full stop
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    India: Unity in diversity

    i gotta agree , India is pretty amazing , I sometimes can't understand how such a diversified and largely populated nation can still work but it does but you know how they say : "Do you not know my son,with what little understanding the world is ruled" - Pope Julius III And this is true for...
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    Stability and Economic policies , These two things help a nation prosper , There is nothing else , I have studying how nations prosper , and how things and every single nations has prospered in the past and up till now , And the conclusion or the result was rather staggering . Only a few nations...
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    Well, Its true, The population and Economic strength of the Nation flows into its Army , India's Economy has gone 10x since 1990 , So , its just bound to happen , The nation is developing at 8-9 % per year . And China will probably overtake USA when it has large monetary reserves and its GDP...
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    NASA | Temperature Data: 1880-2011

    Global warming will happen regardless , Its bound to , Since we can see how much whether has already changed , More storms , more floods and more hurricanes , Its bound to be much worse , Hopefully the carbon sanctions will help reduce it . Lets see what happens in the future
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    IAF to procure 71 more armed choppers

    thats good, India does have the capacity to buy more, since its current Army spending is only about 2.5 % of the GDP
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