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  1. saiyan0321

    First baby born in IDPs Camp in Bannu, named Azb Khan :)

    May you rise up to be the pride of the nation just like the army is behind the operation. Remember the name and your roots and the country you were born in. May you have a happy and peaceful life. for this kid and many others i pray that the army removes each and every last one of those taliban...
  2. saiyan0321

    Gwadar- turn it into a liberal city.

    Well whatever they do doesnt concern us at all. The fact we have Islamic republic in our name says that we are an islamic nation. Malaysia if i am not mistaken is not an islamic republic while we also possess a mass religious factor that would rise against such a movement.
  3. saiyan0321

    I think I am dealing with some haunting

    Black magic does exist and my mother;s family has been a victim of it. TBH its not something i have heard of. Just recite Ayat Ul Kursi and bro keep a look out for any other events in your surrounding.
  4. saiyan0321

    Gwadar- turn it into a liberal city.

    I personally disagree. Yes i am against radicalization but we are an Islamic republic thus we cant have a city under our control that has legalized gambling or legalized alcohol. What we can do is 1. Develop it so that it can become a great city and soon become one of the main cities of...
  5. saiyan0321

    PTI Bahawalpur Jalsa

    A very large jalsa. Quite impressive to be honest. Say whatever you want but this guy knows how to get a crowd. I wonder if we had direct democracy instead of representative democracy would he have become PM? :P :P Anyway i still believe that in these times when we are at war he is making...
  6. saiyan0321

    I will fight against the army if it tries to take over: Qadri

    Well buddy without them you cant do anything and against them you would run away to planet Neptune. :P :P All hail business class revolution.
  7. saiyan0321

    4 questions ISIS rebels use to tell Sunni from Shia

    Bro you make it to question number 3 i will consider you lucky. :P In a country where extremists are taking over its not safe for any religion let alone an atheist. Well ISIS are pretty much doing Ethnic cleaning and Someone over there really needs to stand up and put this invasion to check...
  8. saiyan0321

    Great Mom

    Pretty much sums up majority of our relations with our mom. :P :P :P
  9. saiyan0321

    3K blood bottles,collected on Birthday of Benazir Bhutto, wasted by Jiyalas

    Wait what? what is this? This cant be a blood sacrifice as we are all muslims right? We dont do that type of pagan shit? Oh God 3000 bottles of blood. There must be some rare type among them like AB blood types which are like treasure for blood banks. This is beyond jahalat. Jahalat is believing...
  10. saiyan0321

    Why did the people of Mosul welcome ISIS?

    failure of govt, the continued army retreats from posts and ofcourse the sunni vs shia debate that has plagued the region for a long time. Their army retreated which of the shia govt and the sunni fighters were coming to the city. What could they do except surrender to the power of their own...
  11. saiyan0321

    Great Mom

    @Jazzbot bro can you give me a link to this video? :D
  12. saiyan0321

    Tabdeeli Hum Se: Patwari System Uprooted in KPK in just one year

    Good. very good. More is needed and more changes are required. I want KPK to be PTI and imran khans platform for their political activity. A home ground to launch towards the federal. I know that in one year you cant expect alot of work done which is why i will base my judgement after 4 years of...
  13. saiyan0321

    Great Mom

    Without a doubt he is right. They do soo much soo much that its unbelievable and sometimes i see soo many giving them slack. Giving them back talk without realizing that TBH we are nothing compared to them. After what she does for you in your entire life if you give up all the needs of the world...
  14. saiyan0321

    NADRA concedes ballot stuffing in NA-118 constituency

    Since its Nadra i am taking it more seriously. The election tribunal needs to investigate the matter and see the proof that has been brought upon. If its clear then they must hold re-elections which will show who won and who did not. Imran khan must make sure for the next elections we must...
  15. saiyan0321

    NADRA concedes ballot stuffing in NA-118 constituency

    NA_125 was where they contested against hamid khan. Imran opponent was ayaz sadique in NA-122. Well lets see what happens but if there are re-elections then he should seriously pick a strong candidate. No more new unknown stuff. You wont be beating saad rafique without a strong known candidate.
  16. saiyan0321

    NADRA concedes ballot stuffing in NA-118 constituency

    Remind me didnt imran contest from that election against saad rafique. Good. Very good. Hopefully we will have re-elections in the area to again determine the winner and frankly i would advise imran to put up a very very strong candidate.
  17. saiyan0321

    تحریک انصاف کا حکومت کے خلاف تحریک چلانے کا فیصلہ

    Yaar qadri say dor rahay. You will end up effecting your popularity and stop this KPK govt breaking talk too. Your political survival is on that province. If your break the assembly then it would be like someone who has just found a new home with great difficulty, sees someone elses much bigger...
  18. saiyan0321

    Governor KP slams PMLN and PPP for banning IDPs !

    TBH this ban has to be the most stupid move in the history of pakistan. Pathetic to say the least that i can even put it to words how bad it is. I agree with making FATA a province. Him and gilgit-baltistan should be made into provinces ( gilgit still hast got its provincial control) to...
  19. saiyan0321

    Imran threatens to dissolve K-P Assembly

    and what will this accomplish? What will happen? If they leave KPK govt new elections will be held on the resigned seats and with PTI not contesting on them N will win. If the entire opposition unites they still dont hold the majority needed to break a govt. N right now has 2/3 majority. Its not...
  20. saiyan0321

    PTI MNAs may quit NA if thumb impressions not verified

    It will be stupid. Last time it was said of N to quit bcz they had quite a majority even in opposition but PTI doesnt have that. All they will do is lose the only province they got and the important seats in Punjab. Focus on the province and focus on utilizing these 4 years left to make sure the...
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