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  1. 帅的一匹

    Breaking News - MiG29 damaged at hard landing at Carrier

    Russian will come and repair it, not a big problem.
  2. 帅的一匹

    Vietnam wants India to 'rise quickly' in region

    You can choose to believe what you want to believe. BTW, your Goverment seems more reasonable than you when it comes to China.
  3. 帅的一匹

    Vietnam wants India to 'rise quickly' in region

    Vietnam is always loser, no matter 74/79/88.
  4. 帅的一匹

    Putin approved the sale of C-400 to China

    Bought weapon are useless, no need to but S400.
  5. 帅的一匹

    Indian Navy point-blank refuses Chinese navy chief’s request

    The request by Admiral Wu is a little bit rude, that showed he is concern about Shivalik like any other officers of PLA navy. Indian navy is very a mysterious force for most Chinese. The invitation for Wu to visit the CiC during exercise is a very friendly gesture there, I really appreciate it.
  6. 帅的一匹

    Indian Navy point-blank refuses Chinese navy chief’s request

    We shall show them the 054A CIC centre if they agree to show shivalik's.
  7. 帅的一匹

    SAC FC-31 Stealth Fighter: News & Discussions

    Seems like the silver coating on J20.
  8. 帅的一匹

    Official: India Will Need To Hike Defense Spending by 30%

    It's not just matter of money, it's about the ability to develop capable indigenous weapon and deliver it on time. You guys shall emphasize on organizational structure efficiency and who is taking responsibility for the delay and failure, as well as long term plan fit in India's condition.
  9. 帅的一匹

    Second batch of J-10B

    When China could mass produce WS10A to replace the AL31FN? I've started to loose patience.
  10. 帅的一匹

    Type 052D DDG News & Discussions

  11. 帅的一匹

    Type 052D DDG News & Discussions

    造这么多军舰有什么用?菲律宾昨天已经成功突破我们的海监船闯入仁爱礁,人员轮换和食品补给都已经完成。中国人的悲哀!!国耻!猪一样的无能政府! 以后在南海菲律宾人会更加肆无忌惮,更加不把中国放在眼里。做中国人真心没劲啊!外交部又他妈在抗议了!我操你大爷!
  12. 帅的一匹

    C-130J crashes in Gwalior

    buy a brand new one to replace it, RIP. PAF is much more experienced than Indian in operating and maintaining C130.
  13. 帅的一匹

    Shocker for navy, warship's part missing

    Buy a new fin stabilizer and install it.
  14. 帅的一匹

    China wants its warships in Indian waters to search for plane : India declines permission

    Will India permit it if the same request was brought up by USN?
  15. 帅的一匹

    China wants its warships in Indian waters to search for plane : India declines permission

    I think Indian navy is very capable of searching in this region, India declined China cause they don't want China taking opportunity to collect hydrologic data and recon around A&N. Our relationship is not good enough to get a 'YES' from India..
  16. 帅的一匹

    China wants its warships in Indian waters to search for plane : India declines permission

    In consideration of the poor relationship between the two countries, the declination from India is quite expected.
  17. 帅的一匹

    Second batch of J-10B

    What if Russia stops providing us AL31FN for replenishment when we have war with Japan?
  18. 帅的一匹

    Second batch of J-10B

    Finally, congratulation! J10b looks much cooler with WS10A than AL31. Does PLAAF has any plan to replace the Al31FN on J10A with WS10A in the future?
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