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  1. sikh_pride

    $30bn deal: US to sell F-15s to Saudi Arabia

    Boeing unveiled a new version of its F-15 Eagle airplane, called the F-15SE, which is aimed primarily for export. The new design includes several improvements over earlier versions of the F-15, including improved stealth capabilities and a bay designed for carrying internal weapons as well as...
  2. sikh_pride

    More recent overt sign of indigenous Hindu terrorism: CRS

    Attacks on Muslim youths put cops on alert TNN | Dec 16, 2011, 03.18AM IST Attacks on Muslim youths put cops on alert - The Times of India I think u need spoon feeding SAFFRON TERROR AT ITS PEEK
  3. sikh_pride

    More recent overt sign of indigenous Hindu terrorism: CRS

    4 Hindu Vahini activists held for attacking Muslims | Siasat Attacks on Muslim youths put cops on alert TNN | Dec 16, 2011, 03.18AM IST Attacks on Muslim youths put cops on alert - The Times of India The above news is 4m 2011 this month r u blind????
  4. sikh_pride

    U.S. Aircraft Carrier Enters Zone Near Iranian Oil Route as Tensions Rise

    "Aircraft carriers ... are moving targets." And Iran is a stationary target! but... what will happen?
  5. sikh_pride

    U.S. Aircraft Carrier Enters Zone Near Iranian Oil Route as Tensions Rise

    chote its a mini aircraft carrier:tongue:
  6. sikh_pride

    U.S. Aircraft Carrier Enters Zone Near Iranian Oil Route as Tensions Rise

    Iranian naval capabilities are very different than what other nations are deploying, that doesn't mean they are automatically ineffective. It simply means the Iranian military solutions often has strengths and limitations depending upon environment and conditions, and they execute a very...
  7. sikh_pride

    U.S. Aircraft Carrier Enters Zone Near Iranian Oil Route as Tensions Rise

    Iran can send one of there stealth drones and record it and relese it in public as they did it b4 and it would be much better then attacking it Iranians can make a movie out of this it would be great with some one explaining it to the viewers something technical :cheers:
  8. sikh_pride

    2012 coming( year that feramasons want to do many things)!

    The North Indian freemasonry meets in conference this early 2011. plz visit http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.500229857108.270744.134784552108
  9. sikh_pride

    Bizarre events!!!

    woow where was it Pak or UK?
  10. sikh_pride

    2012 Doomsday

    You can become shupar pawar after you give us our Kashmir,Hyderabad,Delhi..(plz add as and when required) :smitten:
  11. sikh_pride

    2012 Doomsday

    may i ask why is the given range(6-8) is this the standard measuring unit? :lol:
  12. sikh_pride

    Bizarre events!!!

    This thread is for all the bizarre events Please share if u have seen or heard with some proof if possible:meeting: I am starting with this bizarre event in which it rained apples. An avalanche of more than 100 apples rained down over a main road in Keresley, Coventry on Monday night. The...
  13. sikh_pride

    2012 Doomsday

    Q: What is the polar shift theory? Is it true that the earth’s crust does a 180-degree rotation around the core in a matter of days if not hours? A: A reversal in the rotation of Earth is impossible. There are slow movements of the continents (for example Antarctica was near the equator...
  14. sikh_pride

    2012 Doomsday

    The world is going to end one year from today... At least that's the running theory if you're a believer of Nostradamus or the ancient Mayans and their calendar. Both point to Dec. 21, 2012, as doomsday for all mankind. Most interestingly, those two prophecies have resulted in an unusual...
  15. sikh_pride

    China open ways for third world nations to catch up with the west

    Guys actually the Indians are jealous coz Nigeria did not select India to launch there satellites :meeting:
  16. sikh_pride

    US military 'ready to engage in a conflict with Iran'

    Correction Friend war with Iran will cost u half a million dead troops Operation Pakistan will cost you end to civilized world as we know it (I hope u understand) :pakistan:
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