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  1. kdelphi1983

    World War 3 (India at War)

    Well, that is 5 minutes of my life I'm not getting back :hitwall: This grapefruit in front of me deserves more attention than that pathetic excuse of a video :argh::argh::argh:
  2. kdelphi1983

    India's best & brightest students dominate the world ranking...

    If high IQ was a benchmark for success, we would see more innovation from Chinese and the likes. End of the day, it is quality, not quantity that is important. And before you throw statistics at us, show me the sample population. Sampling the whole of India, against the cities of China is not...
  3. kdelphi1983

    Evolution question.

    Haha.. questions like these show how vital it is to separate science and religion.
  4. kdelphi1983

    Evolution question.

    I think change only happens when needed. If an organism has evolved to perfectly fit it's niche in the ecosystem, it wouldn't need to continue to change - Crocodiles and alligators comes to mind. On the other hand, if the envoironment demands it, these organisms will have to change, or die out.
  5. kdelphi1983

    Geometry of the Universe

    I think Dark Matter is a plausible explanation for the expansion. Something has to be pushing matter away, and it is not gravity; gravity pulls matter towards it, not against. Moreover, the speed of expansion is increasing, and this can only be due to somthing filling into the empty void between...
  6. kdelphi1983

    Geometry of the Universe

    Actually, I believe it is not matter, but the space between matter which is expanding; That space we refer to is - Dark Matter. Let me find more information on this...
  7. kdelphi1983

    Is IOS better or Android?

    My suggestion would be both iOS and Android :smokin: If you want a device which works seamlessly, and does a good job at what it is supposed to do, go for the iPad. But the iPad is only for content consumption and not creation, and this is one downside which Android can address. You will also...
  8. kdelphi1983

    Is IOS better or Android?

    Customer Care is an issue with the manufacturer, not Android. Samsung might have really good customer service, Motorola may be pathetic. But both make Android devices. I suggest choosing a reliable retailer. In the United States, we buy phones from the carriers directly, so customer service is...
  9. kdelphi1983

    Is IOS better or Android?

    Maybe you had a lemon, but again, I know many people with Android and their phones never gave them any trouble whatsoever. But again, your experience and my friends, are not a large enough sample population to truely reflect the usability and reliability of both operating systems.
  10. kdelphi1983

    Is IOS better or Android?

    Actually, there is a good reason why iOS is said to be "smooth" and Android is a bit choppy. Why Android’s UI Isn’t As “Smooth” As iOS UI rendering processes in iOS occur with dedicated threads with real-time priority whereas on Android, UI rendering processes occur along with the main...
  11. kdelphi1983

    Is IOS better or Android?

    The Prime comes with an optional keyboard dock, making the tablet into a full fledged android notebook. And, did I say it is thinner than the iPad 2?
  12. kdelphi1983

    Canada bans face veils for new citizens

    Well, I have seen both sides - women who choose to wear the burqa, and the ones who were forced to. Unfortunately, the latter was more prevalent. The Canadians are right in enforcing this rule. It is their country, and they will set rules on how people should live and present themselves...
  13. kdelphi1983

    Is IOS better or Android?

    Really! All the quality apps in iOS are in Android, so you will end up with the same apps in both ecosystems. Moreover, Android is 'OPEN', so there are enormous opportunities for customization. I came from an iPhone to the Galaxy S2, and my only regret is I should have moved sooner. As for the...
  14. kdelphi1983

    Mexico and Pakistan Paying with Blood for Being US Allies

    Your comparison doesn't hold water - In the US, possessing weapons is in accordance to the second amendment - an Individual's right to bear arms for self defense. This is constitutional. In the other scenario, American soldiers are being killed by IEDs, which are made for materials mostly...
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