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  1. McMeevin

    Tank Designs

    Even though it is relatively small, i really like the look of the Sabra.
  2. McMeevin

    The World's Best Special Forces

    I am perplexed as to why no one would even think to mention the SASR, they are probably equal to, if not better, than the SAS.
  3. McMeevin

    Japan narrows F-X selection to F-35 & F-18 Super Hornet Block II

    The EW variant still can remain an effective complement for any formation, as it will jam radar, which will essentially add stealth capabilities to all aircraft within it's radius.
  4. McMeevin

    Japan narrows F-X selection to F-35 & F-18 Super Hornet Block II

    Don't forget that some of the newer Super Hornet variants allows for later modification/upgrade to the EA-18 Growler, which provides as a good compliment to squadrons.
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