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  1. M

    US Senator wants India to send its troops to Afghanistan

    Why is US so keen on killing troops from other countries at the hands of Taliban??.....US has invaded Afghanistan...so it's US's problem to deal with taliban and get rid of them
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    Taliban announce peace talks with Pakistan

    taliban and peace cannot go hand in hand....destroy taliban
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    Gwadar port city development project | News and Updates

    Pakistan must thank China for developing Gwadar into a port city
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    Maryam Nawaz : The next Benazir Bhutto

    she is defending her corrupt father....she should be punished
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    Is Karachi ready for change? PTI calls for Peace Jalsa!

    Imran Khan is an hypocrite....he is a coward fellow.....he has no idea of governance and administration....he is afraid of pakistan army...never dares to utter a word against the army....he is all talks and no action...that's what he does on Pakistani TV chat shows
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